Advice Anyone
Hi everyone-
Well, My surgery is scheduled for August 9th, I am so happy.
A week prior to getting my approval and being scheduled for WLS I finally got approval for a breast reduction. It is not that I have big boobs- I have one big boob and one little one. It has been that way all my life.On Monday the 25th I go to see that plastic surgeon to sign the permit to schedule the breast reduction. My question to everyone is- If I wait about a month post op from the WLS will I be able to handle the breast reduction the first part of September. My sister is getting married on Sept 25 and I am in the wedding and would really like to have a decent looking chest that I don't have to stuff to make it look right. Does anyone have any answers?

Hi Charla:
I am not sure that having a breast reduction before surgery is a good idea since after a substantial weight loss you may need some plastic surgery on them. How about getting one of those gel filled packs that you can put under your smaller breast to make them look the same size for the wedding. Try going to a store that specializes in womens lingerie or even an adult store for these. Ive seen them advertised on tv and that just might be the ticket.
Hope this helps.
I think Patty misunderstood about when you wanted the reduction done, but I still have to agree with her. Most plastic surgeons want you to wait about a year after WLS because they prefer you to be at a maintained weight for a while. Plus, your larger breast might get smaller as you lose weight, so you don't want to reduce it and then a few months down the road it could look too small!
I'd talk to your plastic surgeon again about the reduction and maybe mention again that you will be losing alot of weight very quickly after the WLS. He may or may not change his mind. But in the end, whatever your Dr. says should be the right thing.