Roll call !
I'm just wondering how many of us in the August looser's club are considerder lightweights before surgery. I guess lightweights are anyone with 100 lbs or less to lose. Also the dates of your surgery. I guess we have are own issues with weight loss being a lot slower than those with more to lose. Just curious because I think it can get discouraging when you see people who are 10 weeks out and have lost 45 lbs and the others who have only lost 25 lbs. thanks for your time Sandy

Hi Marla,
Boy do I know what you mean by the last suppers!!! It's unbelievable and what's worse is I don't even feel the guilt like I used to. 08/16/04 can't get here soon enough. Even my friends and co-workers talk about taking me out for my last fling with food before surgery, Good luck to you!