Met with surgeon today!
Hi everyone in the August club!! I met with my surgeon for the last time before my August 16th surgery. He was just wonderful. My husband went with me and we spent over an hour with him going over everything. He told me that I was a very low risk patient for this surgery.(open rny) I will go in on Monday and hopefully be discharged on Thursday. I hope so because Friday August 20Th will be my 48Th Birthday. (what a wonderful way to start my next year being a loser!!! ) I have all my pre-op tests scheduled for August 4th. I will have all the Bloodwork, Upper GI series, Gallbladder ultrasound, breath capacity test with respiratory,Ekg, meet with anesthesia, meet with nutritionist, and meet with the patient flow coordinator. Looks like a busy day!!! I am so excited and can't wait for the surgery to be done now. He wants me to try and lose 10 lbs before surgery. Loosing the ten lbs shouldn't be to hard as l have done that at least a million times in the past. It's the keeping it off that is my problem as I'm sure you can all relate. Well that is the update. Talk to you all again soon my friends. Thanks for being here! Sandy