I have a August Date too!!
Hi Jodi, and congratulations
on your scheduled surgery. I know it is exciting.I was excited when I got my date.My date is August 3,2004.It felt like I was in a whirlwind.
Anyhow,once again congrats,and good luck on you wls.Keep me posted if you can. Or if you need anyone to talk with I am here.
Sarah Martinez Modesto,California

way to go jodi when do you strat your liquid diet and what kind is it ,trust me it does help you to be used to what it will be like after surgery been their done that ,it is very hard right after surgery head hunger!!!!!!!!!!!!=====is evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well i only have 27 more days left the count down is on best wishes and let me know about your liquid diet !!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you!!! I am starting a diet on Wednesday. Protien drink in the AM and in the afternoon with a green salad and a healthy choice meal for dinner-snacks will be veggies and fruit only!! This was a recomendation by the Phy. Assistant at my surgeons office. I hope it works for the next 6 weeks! 5 pounds a week!! Here we go! Thanks Again- Jodi