Hi everyone...
I have a surgery date set for Aug. 2nd. I am so scared, I don't know what to do. Everytime I look at my little ones, I can barely hold back the tears
Why am I feeling like this??? My Dr. says I'm a great candidate for this major medical issues (thank goodness). But I am consumed with worry over the possible complications. I am so ready to have this done (researched for over 2 years..and tried every diet under the sun) Does anyone have any encouraging words for me?? Is it normal to feel so scared?
Thanks -

I think most people go through this. After I got my date which Aug. 2 as well. I was writing letters to my family and I cried
for two weeks. I too shouldn't have any complications but I was scared. Right now I'm like a roller coaster.
I try to keep my mind off of it by doing things around the house. I'm trying to get everything cleaned and supplies bought for when I get home. There have been several messages on the board about what you need to get and what to carry with you to the hospital. So I have been trying to get all that to gether so I wouldn't forget anything.
Also this message board has been a life saver for me.
Good luck with your surgery and my thought and prayers are with you. If you need someone to talk to just email me.
Good Luck!!!

Hey fellow NYer and 8/2 Baby!
I'm south of you in Orange Co., in the Hudson Valley.
Yes, I'm terrified about my kids and DH, but you have to keep a positive outlook!!! I'm sure I'll be up and down as we await our 8/2 date...(I'll be at West Point Army Hospital...) ,so we'll have to hold each other's hands as we walk through this!!!
Any emotions you have right now are normal.... Is there a support group you can go to? I'm not realy a "joiner", but a friend dragged me to a meeting, and it's the best thing she ever did for me...... lots of info and support!!! Try to find one if you can!!!! Teri S