I'm Approved and have a tentative date.
Hello all, On Friday I got the call I have been waiting for, now for nearly 3 years. I'm APPROVED, and have a tentative date of August 5. I can't believe this. I'm almost done my pre-op test. Just a stress test, appt. with the nutritionist and a consult with the thoracic surgeon for a IVC filter. I have been struggling and fighting for almost 3 years too hear those 2 words. I cried a river of tears. Its been one heck of a roller coaster ride. One I would do over in a million years if I had too. Pray that my tenative date becomes a permenant one. No more snags. I can't wait too be a "loser."
So how is everyone else preparing for there upcoming rebirth. I'm going too spend the next couples of days cleaning everything near spotless. If the stuff isn't done, I won't be a happy camper when I get home from having surgery. I'm also finishing some letters too everyone that I love. I just want them all too know that if, anything is too happen, I wouldn't have changed anything. Okay need too get back too some cleaning. Takes forever when you do one room at a time and you want it so clean you could eat off the floor.