Sleeping 24/7
I know the feeling! I have had many last suppers this past month. And last goodies. I spoke with my shrink about the eating today. She said I was grieving over my loss or thoughts of loss, of food! She said it is very normal for a WLS patient. One suggestion she offered. Write a list of what I will b loosing and what I will gain. Compare the lists. The gains will out weigh the losses. Then put on frig or some place I will see it often. Will help keep it in prospective. I will gain so much more than I am loosing IE food. I know the "heavy" food is part of my wanting to sleep and also depression over the loss of "food". She gets paid good money to tell me these things. Dang why did I not think of that? Save me money. Take care. Marla
I've been feeling kinda down lately, too. I think it is mostly my sleep apnea. I have also been having alot of bad dreams about the surgery. Not that it will go bad, but that I don't make the changes. Last night I had a dream that 5 or 6 days after surgery I forgot I had it and I ate a whole bunch of marshmellows. Big, bulky, and full of sugar!!! Bad Amber!!!

The sleeping is probably depression.
I have been sleeping better this week some nights. My husband and I need to work more on listening to each others needs. He works nights, I work days.
I always feel like he is rushing me out of the bed in the mornings.
I have been eating out more, and eating more meat and junk than normal, but not really overloading myself with sweets. I figured I would have to get my last Ben & Jerry's in, but I haven't wanted it.
I got my last Topeka's Steak in last night. I am SO damn glad I can eat seafood post op or else I'd go insane!!! I can go without steak for awhile, but how do you live without SHRIMP???
I wish August 4th was already here. I am so tired of having to say "after surgery I'm..........."

Me Too! After surgery I'm................!!!!!
Steak I can do with out. I do like a good roast beef cooked until it falls apart. Seafood, I could live on. No husband problems here. Which is good and bad. Depends on which day it is.......
Oh I suspect it is depression, have pushed myself this week...Y, doctors, mowed yard and etc. JUst be so glad when August 3rd gets here, no August 5th, it will be over and I will be feeling better....Take care, Marla