August 12th for me!
Hi everyone! I am having lap-band surgery on August 12th here in Bangor, Maine. I don't think it's really hit me yet. It would be nice to lose some pounds before the surgery, according to my surgeon. I hope I can - dieting has never been my strong point... obviously.
Anyone else having their procedure on August 12th? And anyone else losing some weight beforehand? It would be good not to be alone in this endeavor.

Hi,Congratulations on your August date. Im having an open rny on August 9th and I too would like to lose a bit of weight before I go in. Thinking of trying the Atkins diet, since my downfall is my love of carbs. They say that its good to diet a bit beforehand so there isn't too much fat around the liver. Makes it easier for the surgeon. He never mentioned anything about it but if it makes his job easier I'll give it a good shot.
Best wishes
Hi, Heidi! I am also scheduled for August 12, but I am having my surgery in Swee****er, Tennessee and I am having a RNY. We are going to try for laparascopic first, but I have had a few belly surgeries, so we will probably have to convert to open. I also should probably shed a few pounds pre-op, but I think my main push is going to be to increase my activity level by walking. My anesthesia guy (I work with him) says that would be very helpful, especially if we have to go with the open procedure. Hope this helps some. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Congratulations! I am scheduled for surgery on the 12th as well. I am really excited and trying to do my best to be patient about the wait. I keep telling myself that I really need to do better about losing some weight and upping my activity level before the surgery but for some reason I haven't done very good. I just can't seem to get motivated. I know the more I do before surgery the better my recovery will be but I just can't seem to get started. I really need someone to kick me in the behind!!
August 12th here we come!!

Hi Heidi,
congrats on your date. My surgeon did not say anything about loosing weight prior to surgery. I know it would be beneficial but somehow I cannot pull my head out of my behind to get in gear.
You are everything BUT alone in this endeavor!!!
Best of luck and all the good stuff for you.
Have a great day.

Hello everyone,
I'm also having open rny surgery on Aug.12 and my doctor did not tell me to lose weight before surgery. Is there a reason for doing that? I'm just so excited that I'm going to have surgery.Since I received my date I have talked to so many people that have had this surgery. I felt alone before that but not anymore we are all in this together. It's a wonderful tool and I'm so happy to be able to have the surgery!! Good luck to everyone