I am very HOT ... having to leave this group, unfortunately ...

Mary G.
on 6/24/04 1:51 pm
on 6/24/04 1:51 pm
I just emailed you in regards to the above..I am so sorry for you.. I have been trying to watch our local school borad meetings.....recently it was brought up about the book issues. I am grateful that school children have such a caring person on their side...but please take care of you..so our society has a terrific person like you in the childrens corner.I would hope and pray you could go back to August. But, if you can't...dont cave in again.
A very wise person once told nme that we have to be careful to take care of ourselves so as not to deplete oneslf.
Thank you for your HARD job for kids. But, dont let them get you to change your date again.