also counting down
Mary G.
on 6/23/04 6:27 am
on 6/23/04 6:27 am
Hi.I am very excited myself.My surgery is Aug.4th 2004 with Dr.Halmi. I am nervous too.But very excited. My oldest just left today for a summer job out of state...then she goes right back to college for her last year. Though she knows I am having the surgery.....I can't wait for her to see her "new mom" next time we see each other.
As time goes on..I get antsier...I also want tothrow my old clothes out. But, I want to make sure nothing happens to my date. Seems to good tobe true. I can't wait until July 6th, because reality will hit as that is the first day I start with all the side appts.
Mary G.
on 6/26/04 2:20 pm
on 6/26/04 2:20 pm
Dear kATHY L.,
I really appreciate the support. I only sporadical hear from people.
I do not have family close by..soit is extra nice to hear back from people.
I hope your journey is going well also.
I had a yard sale went ok.But, last night when I was prepping, it didt take long for my back to hurt. And again today as I was putting some things that didn,t sell away.
I also have been having issues with my hsyterectomy inscion amongst things. I know once I have the Gastric will in the long run help issues such as that.
One whole month to get through....can,t wait.
Thank you for your kindness in taking time to wish me well.