My date got moved
I received a call yesterday from my surgeon's office and was told my date got moved from August 13th to August 4th. In the past he has only done surgeries on Friday but in August he is starting to do procedures on Tuesday and Wednesday. I now the date was only changed by 9 days but I am so excited. The nerves have not set in and I hope they do not. Anyway hope everyone else is doing well and looking forward to being on the losing side!!!!!!

I am sorry your date got pushed back. I know I would not have been happy if that happened to me. My work is very understanding and letting me take all the time I need. I hope you are able to keep your new date and that the time between now and then goes fast for you. Take care and best of luck.
my work is ususally very understanding too, and would let me take any and all time needed. its just that its busy season at work. i work for a big publisher of textbooks for schools, and right now, we are short-handed on staff. add to that the very busy time of lots of ordering and returns, etc. ... it is very hectic and kind of very stressful for all of us. so, they simply dont want to lose me, as one of the "veteran workers", during the busiest time of the year.
i understand -- yet i feel its very unfair at the same time. because THEY are short-handed, then i have to sacrifice.
oh well. trust me. they wont do it to me again. my next date will NOT be changed by them!