I have tried about 7 different brands now, and the only one that doesn't make me gag is Unjury. Go to:
They have chocolate (very smooth), vanilla (sweet), and unflavored to add to soups, puddings, and stuff. The choc and van only have 3 grams of carbs. I like to shake it with skim milk. My hubby like to put some vanilla in the smoothie maker with strawberries, milk, and ice.
The website has great recipies, too.
These came from Kristen on the California board.
They're made with Isopure protein powder. The orange julius one is awesome....
Coffee Toffee (starbucks type) Protein shake:
-Body Choice Cappucinno drinks from GNC (they look like the starbucks frappucinnos but they have 5 carbs, 15 protein, and no sugar)
-One or two scoops of isopure vanilla zero carb protein powder (also available at GNC)
-about ten cubes of ice
-and a shot of the sugar free coffe syrup (I love english toffee) (i got them at Cost Plus imports)
-and maybe a packet or two of splenda
Just toss everything in the blender until smoothie consistency and drink up!
It has 40-65 grams of protein depending on how many scoops of proetin powder you use.
Orange Julius Protein Shake:
-One or two scoops of isopure vanilla zero carb protein powder
-about ten ice cubes
-two cups of sugar free tang or crystal lite sunrise (orange)
-and if it needs "more of a kick" you can add some of the crystal lite powder or tang powder (a tiny bit) or a shot of sugar free orange syrup (like the coffee syrups)
-a packet or two of splenda
blend in the blender and drink up!
This one is so good that even my super picky, refuses protein shakes, husband drinks it!
It sounds like a lot of trouble to use the blender and use all these products, but i do it every day before work and take it with me. I have all the stuff out and ready to go. It takes only a few minutes. I even wash the blender before I leave.