I new,and have surgery Aug 6th
Hello all,
I am sorta new to the website, and felt I should jump in somewhere and seems like this is best place since we all have surgery month in common. Congradulations to everyone- and best wishes to all.
I read over the posts and it is so strange how so many of us feel the same way, have same questions and share simular dreams of the future. It will help me to know that I am not going through this alone, this is a wonderful thing. I am excited and feel like the Aug 6th will never get here, but thanks to the lady with suggestion of counting the weekends, and making the lists of lists and copying recipes. I need to find those recipes on the website and start a new recipe book, that should pass time uh?
Look forward to talking and getting to know you all

Welcome to the "August Losers Club"!
This is a great place to be since we are all going through the same things. All of the posts are great and full of helpful info and suggestions. Hopefully we can support each other and help the time fly by.
My daughter was born on August 6th so that is definately a good day. Good things happen on the 6th and your surgery will be no different.

Thank you for the kind words.
I am more than happy to help any one or support any way that I can & it sure helps to know all of you are feeling the same way.
So what have you all done to get ready for the big day? I've read a few books and bought a variety of different protein mixes and some small cups and started reading labels. I am so amazed at how bad a lot of the food really is when looking at a lot of my favorite's. And I thought I had been eating a little better. This meal planning will be harder that I thought.

To get ready for the big day Ive been researching all the time. I read the posts on here as often as I can and visit diff web sites. I havent actually bought anything yet but in the next couple of weeks I am going to start working on my hospital things. My sister had surgery with the same surgeon so I know all the vitamins to get from her, so I will get those ahead of time too.