Am I the only one having fantasies?!
Since my surgery is now becoming a reality and not a dream I have been fantasizing alot about all of the things I am going to do once I lose some weight and start living again.
I have visions of swimming and jumping on the trampoline with my 7 year old daughter.
I have visions of taking a cruise with my husband and not being embarassed about the way I look.
But mostly I have visions of being healthy and active again.
I am so excited to start feeling better and looking better.
What are some of your fantasies or dreams?
Just daydreaming!

It really is coming soon. The days are just flying by, I count them every week and Im surprised how close it is. Most of the time Im so excited about it and sometimes a bit nervous.
My dreams are having a wardrobe full of nice clothes and shoes.
Travelling by plane and being comfortable in the seats.
Not feeling self conscious about my looks
Being able to ride a bike, wear a bathing suit in public
And feeling healthy and strong again.
Thanks for sharing your dreams and good luck.
Thank you Tiffany! You are so sweet!
I just don't understand. A few years ago, our area was #2 on the list of fattest cities in America! New Orleans was #1. Since then we have dropped down the list, but you'd think that since there are so many FAT people here, they would be more accepting.
Oh well!!!