August 2 surgery date has me green with envy for others who go before me
I started this process in motion in September 2003 and I finally have a surgery date. Waiting three more months has me trying to control my jealousy of others who are moving to the losing side faster than me. Wish I could have surgery this month and be 3 months post op by August. Instead I am trying hard to stay motivated to exercise more and eat better without my new tool. I am hoping it will get easier as I learn to use my new C-PAP machine and have the promised increase in energy before surgery. I thank all of you for helping me manage my frustration, maintain hope and a sense of promise of better days to come.
I also am a little jealous of those who are having surgery ahead of me but I know my time will come. I am going to try to keep myself busy and motivated to exercise more and eat healthier before surgery just like you. We just have to keep remembering how far we have come and that we have almost made it!
August is our month!!!

Hi Katherine,
I feel very similar to you. I have been on Atkins since the end of January and have lost 34lbs. So I am trying to continue with a healthier diet and exercise. I am envious of others (ESPECIALLY my brother who is having the surgery June 30)but I am looking at this time for me to get things in order. My nutritionist told me that she wants me off of Atkins at least 2 weeks before surgery so that my body can use the carbs to heal. So over the next wekk or two I am transitioning to tthe South Beach diet. She also told me she wanted me to start weight training to build muscle mass since losing weight so quickly and recovering from surgery causes a lot of muscle loss. So take this time for you. Concentrate on building your body up and making it as healthy as possible before your surgery. God has a plan for you and that is why you are having to wait. I am scheduled August 24. I will keep you in my prayers for a smooth and uncomplicated journey. May Gold Bless you and your path... Sonja - San Diego, CA
Congratulations on your August date Katherine. mine is Aug. 9th. Don't think of it in months, think of it in days and it seems to pass alot faster that way. I counted 93 one day and the next thing I new it was only 84.
My sister had hers in March and I see how great she looks and I have to admit Im envious that she got her date earlier but Im happy for her. Cant wait to join her on the other side.
Good Luck
You are not alone. I actually went for my consultation on 03/10/2004 and I took all of the required test and I was told repeatedly they did not have all the paperwork. When I was finally called on 05/13/04 and was given a tentative date of 08/03. I received the letter from my insurance company today saying that I was approved for the surgery. Now the wait is on and I wish that I could be having the surgery soon too. I am trying to think positive and I mark the days on the calender every day. I was kind of shocked when I realized yesterday that a week had passed and it did not seem like it. I try to keep myself busy and not think about it. I pray that they will call and tell me they have a cancellation and my date has been moved up. I am just happy to know that everything is in place and my day will come soon...