peanut butter
anyone had trouble or got sick from peanut butter? I did i eat alot of t and it just so happened i had the jar but did not know i kept eating it then i thought could you have too much protein??? then it came on the news hat they were recalling some of them i was eating it alot and i just kept making myself sick... my stomach is now feeling a little better but not all the way yet
I never had a problem with peanut butter until after my surgery, then it really bothered me. Too much fat (in all brands) and WAY too much sugar in most brands. Even the natural kind that you grind yourself really upset me and made me sick--it is akin too (or might even be) dumping. After a while even peanuts and other fatty nuts started to bother me. Besides, there are much better ways to get protein that are denser, leaner, will make you feel fuller longer and won't add all the high calories, fat and sugar that PB has.
Truly, unless it is your absolute "must have" food, I would eliminate it from your diet. The cals aren't worth it when there is much better stuff out there. If you must have it, try Think Thin Peanut Butter Protein Bars--which are really good, sugar free, low carb and have 20 grams of protein.