Another question!
Hi Everyone
At this time 2 years ago we were all excited and nervous about our wls. I am just wondering how many of us are considering plastics now? I know i am, but what do i want to do? I for sure am going to do a tt and breasts, cause my insurance will pay for those LOL . but what about arms and legs and butt and neck? I have heard so many awful horror stories about the legs, so i'm not doing that. The butt i don't care about, i can't see it anyway LOL. But i definately want to do the arms and my turkey neck. So i have decided to do them both with my income tax refund next year.
I had my sis in law take a full length pic with her digital camera before she left to go back home to hawaii yesterday. As soon as she gets settled she will email it to me. I couldn't tell if it was a good pic or not because of the glare of the sun, but if it is even half way decent i will put it for you all to see.

I definitely want PS...but can't have any of it done until I'm done having kids...and I want one more after this one. So it'll be a few years for me until I can get my PS done. I saw a plastic surgeon back in December for a consult (go figure it was the day after I found out I was pregnant) and we both agreed on 4 procedures...a bidirectional tummy tuck (anchor cut), medial thigh lift, lipo under the arms & a breast lift with augmentation. All total he was going to charge me around $26K without insurance kicking in. So...we'll see what happens over the next few years, hopefully insurance will pay part of it. But on the brighter side I have my excess skin documented with a plastic surgeon (mostly in the belly area) so that later my insurance can't use the "well you just had kids" excuse to deny me...seeing as I was only like 5 weeks when I saw him. Good luck!
EDD 8/6/06 - 18 more days...
It's a girl - Alice Kay
Linda, I wish I could have plastic surgery to remove my excess skin all over my body. I don't have the money and my insurance doesn't cover it. I have excess skin all over my stomach. I have bat wing arms. I too have a turkey neck. The worse part is I have sagging breast. I need a bra to lift them up.(Just a Joke) I have gone to the beach with the hot weather we are having, but I leave on my shirt. Oh well that's life. Nice question. Take care.
P.S. I am recuperating from food poisoning.
hi Louis
I'm sorry you're not feeling well. How did you get food poisoning? I won't go to the beach with my skin like this, especially my arms and legs. My husband and i talked about it last night and i decided to wait til january to start looking into plastics. That way by the time income tax comes back i will have the money to do my neck and arms. Then i will do my tt and breasts next summer. Thanks for the reply.