Is this the end?
This board is just about dead. What happend? I might get maybe one response if I am lucky. We are all doing great, and looking great. Full of energy and life. Have we changed? Maybe just out of time? Our 2 year anniversary is coming up. This weight lose surgery is a life time journey. Maybe some of the questions are not appealing? If you have a better one or more interesting, then post it. Maybe some people dislike some people on the message board. Could be me? It would be nice to receive feedback. But of all I am happy for all your success. Everyone has been doing great. Plus, looking great. If you read this message don't foget to say hi before exiting. God bless you all.
Hi Louis
Of course it isn't you! Who could dislike you, you're a great person. I hope this isn't the end of course, but we can't force ppl to come here. You can always email me anytime or put me on your yahoo messenger my yahoo i.d. is [email protected] it's also my email. Hey guess what? I jumped on the scale yesterday and lost another two pounds making it a total of 200 pounds lost! I am so happy and thank God every day for allowing me to have my life back. How are you doing?

Linda, remember when I said I would probably have one person responde, I was thinking it might be you. I would do the same for you. How much much more weight do you want to lose. You are already look great. GUESS WHAT! I have taken the one time use camera to the photo shop. June is still not over and I am rolling. My next step is to have enough money to pick them up. Remember this is my Summer goal. Always glad to hear from you. Thanks also for your kind words. Take care.
You're very welcome. I know you would do the same for me. i don't think i want to lose anymore , maybe five if that much. i'm pretty big boned, and at this weight i am literally skin and bones. I'm trying to talk myself into making an appt with a surgeon for my tt, but am scared because i hate pain and do not handle it well . Also, when i had my weight loss surgery i almost didn't wake up, so that scares me too. But if my unemployment is approved i'm gonna go ahead and do it.
Hey that's a big milestone for you to take the camera and have it developed. I soooo understand the money part though, that's the reason i don't have updated ones on here now.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Hi Louis,
I don't think this is the end, but I think the lack of activity is probably a good sign that people are out living their lives. I am so grateful for this forum, and to know that we're all here to support each other. Hooray for that!
It's exciting to be approaching our two-year mark and to reflect on how different our lives are. We are healthier and more active, for sure, though obviously we haven't had all our issues cured with this surgery. Hopefully we can all address our insecurities and vices head-on as we continue to grow in strength and in health, making us better, stronger and happier people than we've ever been. Baby steps, baby steps!
Have a great weekend, and thanks for all you do for this board.
Kathryn, I hope you are right. It is true people are full of life. They are healthier and more active. I just hope they don't forget where they come from, and where they have been. Many times it is easy to forget. I have unfortunately heard of people that they lost the weight only to gain the weight back or become anemic ( I hope I wrote it write, for a person to not eat right, vitamins intake, and lose excessive weight). And if they are doing great, and full of life, wish them the best. I wish you the best also. Thank you for the summer challange information. It was power. Take care.

hello Ruthy, I am glad you are part of the group that doesn't want this board to die. Because of you and others this board will not die. Keep it up with your protein intake. So sorry that your support group in 60 miles away. If it is any help, we can be your support group. Also sorry about your doc not knowing much about weight lose. We all promise you you will get replys the next time you post a message on the board. Remember we are in it together for life. We understand what we have been through. Personally for me this board is where I can talk freely about my weight and be understood. I can talk to love ones but they really don't understand the life long proces after the surgery. They see me thin, and they believe my obesity is over. We all know this is a life long process. Take care.
No, Louis, I don't think it's the end of this message board, but perhaps it is the end of the beginning of our new lives post-surgery. We're all doing so well that we rarely get back to the post to check on others and compare our own woes and wonders with how everyone else is doing.
Perhaps we finally feel normal? Perhaps some of us still struggle with weight?
I try to keep it between the numbers.....never letting myself go over 190, and would LOVE to see it get below 180, but I keep it around 185 most of the time. That seems to be a workable weight for me.
Since my weight has always been on my mind since childhood, it is really nice not to have to worry about it much at this time in my life. I still have to stay away from "bad foods" or too much snacking. There are many things that I could do to push these last pounds off my body, but for one reason or another----I don't give it too much effort.
I've done well. I am very happy. Work is going well and my family life is good. I would really love to do something new and different now....besides just with my career. I have been thinking about missionary work, but my family is not behind me right now with this idea, and so I haven't been moving seriously in this direction. My husband and kids think I'm a little crazy, but perhaps they are correct.
We'll have to see.
Still, we haven't seen any pics of you yet, Louis! When will you reveal your handsome face???