Anyone up for a Summer Challenge?
Hi August babies,
Here we are, knocking on the door of our two-year anniversaries. Some of us have reached goal; some are still working toward it; some have reached it and are trying to keep that ole rebound to a minimum.
I happen to be in the "still working toward it" category. I'm about 25 lbs from a "normal" BMI, which I'm truly wanting to reach but my doc keeps reminding me that after having been heavy so long, my bones and muscles weigh more than the average person's bones and muscles I'm likely to still look OK without getting all the way to that magical BMI number. I wear 8s and 10s and feel really terrific, and I've been at this weight for nearly eight months so I think my body is liking it. If I never lost another pound, this has still been the most worthwhile ride I've ever been on for my health and well being!
That said, I still want to try to get to that normal BMI, or somewhere close. I'd like to propose a Summer Challenge so that we can all hit our second anniversaries with confidence, knowing we've spent the summer doing all that we could do stay at or get closer to our goal weight or goal size, whatever you happen to choose to aim for. Hopefully with all of us supporting each other and being accountable, we can plow through the summer looking and feeling great, and when we have those inevitable falls off the wagon, we'll have a caring family waiting to help hoist us back on.
I think that if you want to post your food intake every day, that's great; if not, perhaps you can just fill us in on how you're doing in general. I'm going to start on June 1 and will do my best to keep the train on the track.
Please join me for our Summer Tour '06. Let's rejoice that we're not where we were this time two years ago, and take our newfound energy and work this tool the best we know how! This isn't meant to be a heavy (no pun intended) thing; the purpose is to encourage and build up. If you slip and fall, come back without fear! Let's make this breezy and worthwhile and not something to be graded on. There's enough serious stuff in life. This needs to be fun!
See you Wednesday!
Take care, friends,
Kathryn, I think it is amazing what you are doing. The big problem is getting people on this message board to get involved. If you have success I applaud you. I will join your challange. My big challange is to to gain some muscles. I have lost the weight to be normal (Thank God). I have bat arms and toothpick arms. I know there is so much I can't do without cosmetic surgery, but I need to get some muscles. Time to go to the bea*****alifornia. Good look in your challange and I will let you know how my challange is going time to time.
Hey girl I had to look at your profile to make sure it was the right person... I believe I met you in Jan at the DFW dinner.....
I am pretty much at my goal...yeah of course I would love to get in the 110's some where but I know once I have plastics I will be there... been told by a few ps that I have 8 - 10 pounds of skin to be removed and I am holding right now between 126 - 130....
I am going to try and post here more often now that we are coming up on 2 yrs... sure did fly by.... I post daily on the Texas board.....
Thanks again
Hey Miss Debra,
I read the TMB every day - more of a lurker than a poster these days, but I ride David's train in spirit! I hope you're feeling OK after your shot yesterday.
Come join us as we strive to be the best we can be by August. You're looking great - I did meet you a few months back and you're the tiniest thing!
Take care,
Good luck! I'd love to join you but loosing weight right now isn't a possiblity for me as I'm expecting my daughter 3 days after my 2 year anniversary. But once she's here I'll be working on loosing my baby weight and will stop by the August board occasionally to check in on how you all are doing.
EDD 8/6/06
It's a girl - Alice Kay
+19 lbs
I'm ready for this! i'm already past my surgeons goal, but not at a normal bmi. My pcp says i need to stop losing now because i am literally skin and bones (big bones at that) i am down from 360 to 162 and he figures i have probably close to 20 pounds of skin. i am happy where i am, but would love it if i got to 150! So i'll be here every day, i hope to see you as well.
I'm definitely up for a Summer Challenge. What better way to celebrate my 2year anniversary than to get to MY goal weight of 125lbs. I'm currently 134 and have always wanted to be in the 120's. I know i can definitely still do it since I have been such a slacker and don't exercise.
My summer challenge: Lose 10lbs by Aug 30, 2004.
Start date: June 1, 2006 (that gives us a little under 3months!)
What will be YOUR Summer Challenge?