Give it a chance
I have done that more than you could imagine. She is so controlling and wants to know everything! We pretty much don't let her know our business anymore. But she lives close by and does what she can to "help". We are fine though, hubby just needs to stand up to her. Thanks for your advice, it's always welcome.
Hello... I dont get to this board much any more... since I am support group leader in the Texas area... I post there every day...
I am holding between 126 - 130... in a size 4 or 6 depends on the clothes.... I am happy where I am at right now....
been skydiving twice already... have pics on my photobucket on the www thing
Really going to look into plastics now and see if I can get the insurance to cover it some how.... not sure how yet but going to work on that now....
Debra, always happy to hear from you from time to time. We don't expect you to be with us all the time. Just keep on doing what you are always doing on checking in on time to time. Congratulations running the show in Texas. Now Debra, where do you need plastic surgery? You look GREAT on that picture standing up. I want the truth. I can handle it. See you around the neighborhood on time to time. Take care.
I am a watcher of this page to see what ever one else is up too.

I still am so happy to have had my surgery. I have a couple of friends that are 400lbs and when I tell them I had the surgery they cant belive it
They ask would I do it again I say yes in a heartbeat. Even with risks it is worth it.
I was at a sewing social and one of my friends brought it up. The other said o I have heard such bad thing. They at the time were unawre that I had the surgery and I said with a big :smile: I am the relsults of that surgery.
and I would do it again. So I do hope that these two friends goes threw all the hopes and ropes and red tape to get it done.
we all Know how that can be. I need to post some new photos. I am at my goal or should I say past it. 120lbs wow size 4 thought I would NEVER see a size 4. doing great. love those little girdles that hold all those flopys in place.
Well Take care August of 04
I would love to here from you all up here in Burny Ca.