Congrats Laura Boarman 1 yr Anniversary on 8-18-2004
Hi Laura,
You don't know me but we are probable 1/2 cousins or 2nd or 3rd 1/2 cousins some where down the line. I'll try to make it clearer. Martina Boarman is my Mom's (Mom's name was Dorothy Hawkins, maiden name Hardesty) 1/2 Sister who was married to Jess. To me they were my Uncle Jess and still today my Aunt Teen. Mom never counted Aunt Teen as a 1/2 sister she always counted her AS her Sister. I know Jerry and Joyce Boarman really well. Joyce and I have been friends for nearly 10 years. Does this sound familier to you. I think Joyce said you were one of Carl's children? Do I have that right?
I wanted to be the first to wish you A HAPPY 1 YR ANNIVERSARY!
I know it is the 17th right now, but it is only 1 hour and 15 minutes away from the 18th. Anyway I hope I am as successful as you have been, I read your profile.
My Profile is on here too. Feel free to take a look. I'm at the very beginning of this journey --- waiting and waiting and waiting on insurance approval. It's been almost 3 weeks since they mailed off my papers and I'm still w a i t i n g.
If you have any advise I sure would welcome it. Feel free to email me.
{{{{{{{HAPPY 1ST ANNIVERSARY LAURA!!!!! }}}}}}}
Mary Salmon