August 25th is the big day!
Well I waited for what seemed like forever to get this to happen. I am really nervous. Almost to the point of terrified. I am so afraid I am not going to wake up or my staples are going to leak. I am trying to be positive..but those two things keep haunting me to the point every time I think about the surgery, I have to pee. That's bad....because I think about it..alot! grin I just keep telling will be fine. You have to trust your doctors with things that are out of your control and in their control.
First of all, congratulations on your surgery date! I know for a fact you are not the only one with your thoughts of being terrified. I was there as well, but whenI look at my health and quality of life I feel that this tool is worth the journey. Just be encouraged and know that God is with you. He hasn't brought you this far to leave you. He gave us doctors to make us better and have faith that he will guide the surgeons hands and all will be ok. You are not alone. I have faith for you things will work out fine. I have already prayed for you, your family and your doctors. Please say a prayer for me as my date is Aug 27.