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Topic: HELP!!!!!!!
9 months post op, I have gone from 362 to 250 and have been stuck here since March. I have 76 more pounds to loose, no idea how much of that is sagging skin.
I'm told I need to go back into ketosis (sp) and the weight loss should begin again. I have noo support in this what so ever now, as soon as I was approved for surgery in Nov. last year, the support group that gathered on Mondays twice a month just stopped meeting.
Ok done complaining now.

Topic: hello i need some help asap please
Janie Confidential
she is in need if anyone knows her please get incontact with her she is serously in trouble here'e her webpage., i don't know her but i couldn't leave this alone for one of our family is in trouble time to reach out.please keep me posted .thank you sincerely someone who cares your friend bonnie
iam almost 3yrs post op, i am at 120 lbs, i to jumped up to 130 and then before i knew it, it was dropped back down plus some, i was hanging around 124- 128 for a long while. i do eat everything and anything i want just very little of it. for us females i think we will fluctuate some due to fluids, and we all have very different bodies. my family all says i look unhealthy i am sever anemic, but i try hard not to look unhealthy. 123-138 is my ideal wt based on height and bone structure so i cant see why i look unhealthy, i feel fine....
I am post op patient of Dr Bosquez in Tulsa. I am almost 3 yrs post op having sever upper abdominal pain. My gastro Dr did a EGD on me yesterday ( 6-3-05 )and has questions on what he seen and wanting to talk to Dr Bosquez. Any former patients of Dr Bosquez know for sure where he went how to contact him ? Please email me [email protected].
i found the info after much searching, however i am not sure if he is activly in practice there it doesnt say he is even affiliated with a hospital yet, i did go friday 06/10/05 and consulted with dr gorospe, he didnt seem to inthused about helping me since my surgery was done by dr bosquez. as it turns out my complication is the restriction band has erroded into my pouch it isnt leaking at the moment, dr gorospe stated if it starts i would become extremely ill and have only 48hrs to get surgery. since it is currently stable he advised me to go back home to texas and have my gastro doctor tune me up, with iv iron because i am severly anemic and this would complicate surgery. he apparently is going to look into doing the repair. FYI to all that reads this, I was the third patient in the office friday that has this exact same issue what is really weird is all of us had surgery withing month of each other and all in 2002, the other two were dr gorospe's patients. i am currious to know how many more of us 2002 pt's have this problem. all ive had for past year is upper sever abdominal pain that i would rate a 12+ on pain scale and it comes on without warning and last from 2hrs to 2 to 3 days. i am not really sure that dr gorospe didnt just blow me off and isnt realy going to do the repair i will wait a few days to see if he/his staff does call me. however this must be done ( surgery) and very soon.
Yes you will gain weight. I fell off the bandwagon and put on 30 lbs. Not eating right and no exercise. Been depresed and ate my way back up. It is easy to do and you will hate yourself even more. I didn't get on the scales for months because I knew that I had put on more weight. I am trying to get back to walking and taking liquid protein, I hate the shakes they make me want to barf. Just hang in there and get back to basics and you will be all right.
Topic: RE: Anyone developed Ulcers after Surgery
Hey Barb,
I had my 2nd EGD done Feb. 14, 2005. My Gastrologist here said one of the three ulcers looked to be healing just a little bit. So I go back for another EGD on April 18, 2005. One thing I didn't know after my EGD is December was that my not holding down food was where they re-attached my stomach to my intestine was so swollen thats why nothing heavy would stay down. Which my Dr. said looked better this time. He is a great dr. ashame he isn't a bariatric specialist..... One thing is my ulcer isn't bleeding and they haven't. They are also concentrating on why my hemeglobin and iron lrevels continue to drop.
I did cancel my appointment at Vanderbuilt til after my next scope. I hate to make those long 2-2 1/2 hour drives.
My problem now is I am having to fight my prescription part of my insurance to continue to pay for my Previcid to cover twice a day. Normal coverage is 31 pills per month. Which is $161.00, where I only pay $40.00 of it. They are not wanting to pay $280.00 which I should find out soon if they are going to I think they have approved it just waiting for the letter. So as it stands, I take 1 30mg Previcid twice a day and 10ml/2 tablespoons liquid Carafate four times a day.
But it maybe time for me to go ahead and find other options at this time. I personally don't feel comfortable with my bariactric Dr.'s at this time. I am hoping my new PCP will have better answers for me. I have been told he works very closely with the Bariatric program at my local hospital.
Let me know if you find something new that I may not know. Did you have the ulcers prior to your surgery? I didn't. My ulcers are in my intestine and not my stomach.
Hope to hear form you soon
Topic: RE: Anyone developed Ulcers after Surgery
Hi Cheri:
I had a bleeding ulcer in August of 2003 and ended up in the hospital for 5-6 days with all kinds of antibiotic IV's and other medications. When they sent me home I was on protonix, tetracycline, and pepto bismol. I went into anaphylactic shock ...had hives all over my body couldn't breathe...back to hospital for 5 more days 3 of which were in ICU. Had to have two units of packed cells to bring my hemoglobin up to 11 (usual range 12-15 for women).
Have been fine up until had two episodes of reflux this week which Dr Owens (bariatric surgeon) assures is from my small intestines and not my stomach. Probably true as the taste is different than the reflux before my surgery.
Now time for another trip to my PCP for evaluation of my stomach pain and reflux.
But that's my story so yes I guess we are in the same boat bailing except I haven't had to have surgery yet. I hope you will let me know how you are doing and if you really did have surgery.
Waiting to Hear,
Topic: RE: Almost 2 1/2 years..........
Hello there u gorgeous one! I waivered around 123-125 about 9 months eating anything I wanted. Then over the last few months I krept back up to 135, but perfectly ok with me. Cut back the teeniest bit on my carbs & have dropped to 131-132. This is ideal for me. I think I'm gonna see if I can throw in a little exercise & not have to worry about losing to much again. I do still have those size 0-2 jeans on hand if needed. But I fill out my 3-4's really well now. Some of my wrinkles have plumped back up!
Yep girl, it looks like this is pretty much gonna be a waivering situation from now on. But I think as long we don't make any drastic changes, we're gonna be just fine!

Yep. I had leveled out about 125 for many months. Was eating anything & everything I wanted & not gaining. Never weighing, just cruising right along, or so I thought.
Well, I took 2 pairs of jeans to work with me & after working 3 days, attempted to put my jeans on & found out that they pretty much longer fit without laying doen on the bed to zip & forcing me into them. Hopped on the scales & weighed in at 130. Somedays even 132. I knew it was gonna happen so Now I'm glad I had room for gain.
I like my body more at this weight. I was looking to thin & "ribby" as in my bikini pic. Still got wrinkles & skin, but they are filled out a little more now. I even got a little of my butt back & that's a good thing. LOL
My excuse not to exercise was that I'd lose to much weight. Now I have no excuse & if I don't get staarted really soon, may find my butt bigger than I want.
Topic: Anyone developed Ulcers after Surgery
I has a very improtant question for Everyone..Anyone.
Has anyone devolped Ulcers after your Gastric Bypass. If so, how was it treated? Did you ahve to have surgery to have it removed?
Reason for the question is, I had WLS 8/23/2002, diagnosed with an Ulcer right below my pouch March 2003. After a year finally had it surgically removed, 8/20/2004 because they couldn't get it healed.
On 12/20/2004, I had a EGD doen becasue they thought I had developed a stricture. Well NOPE...The Ulcer was back.
I am at my wits end......and Don't know what to do or even what is causing it. So I am scheduled to have another EGD 2/14/2005, To see if the meds are working.
I have scheduled an appointment at Vanderbuilt. No my surgery was nto doen there or with the dr. I am scheduled to see. Should I contact the dr. who did my surgery and see him or stick with going to another dr.
Any Suggestions would be GREAT.