4 years is coming up August 29th.
I will celebrate 4 years post-op next Monday the 29th. I now weigh 145 and have lost 180 pounds. I am now finding that the honeymoon is over and I am glad it lasted this long. I am starting to gain a little weight up from 137 at my lowest. I have been using more protein and watching what I eat but it is now getting to be a struggle. I am wanting to eat more and I cannot afford to gain. Any suggestions? I had Dr Ikramuddin when I had my surgery at UPMC Presbyterian Hospital in Pittsburgh. Thanks for being there and for listening.
The majority of people WILL gain some weight back after so many years. How MUCH weight you regain will be totally up to you. If you stick to the protein then you'll stay the same, but if you eat like you did before then you can gain all of your weight back and more! God bless you on the rest of your journey!