What WLS goals do you have?
Hi everyone!
I saw this topic on the main forum. I thought it would be cool to know what WLS goals other people have pre-op that are having surgery the same month I am. Have you started working on any yet? Have you met any goals yet?
I have a list of goals on my profile. I have already reached one goal pre-op! I quit drinking pop (or soda as some of you may call it)! I can't wait to reach all my goals, some more than others. I know I have a lot of goals, but I think the more I have the more rewarding my WLS experience will be each time I reach a goal.
I saw this topic on the main forum. I thought it would be cool to know what WLS goals other people have pre-op that are having surgery the same month I am. Have you started working on any yet? Have you met any goals yet?
I have a list of goals on my profile. I have already reached one goal pre-op! I quit drinking pop (or soda as some of you may call it)! I can't wait to reach all my goals, some more than others. I know I have a lot of goals, but I think the more I have the more rewarding my WLS experience will be each time I reach a goal.

I have had a lot of goals pre-op. I too quit all soda, and caffeine. Sweet tea and Dr Pepper, oh how I miss them. I've been drinking crystal light, vitamin water zero, and lifesaver zero. Also decaff tea with splenda. Also getting at least 80g of protein a day, I have been doing that. I have been eating low carb meals. I'm already missing carbs, so today at the store I bought the new flatbread, and if you only eat half the serving it gives you the bread you are missing with a lot less carbs. I think I'm ready for this new way of life, and I am so excited my daughter will benefit so much from this healthier way of living.