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Topic: RE: RNY July 29th & thought I was ready, but so scared now
what do you do for the gas? funny, i read this last night and then was up all night and spent the day in bed b/c of gas and i haven't even had surgery yet... at least, it felt like gas. either that or maybe it was my gallbladder...
anyways, i'm wondering what the best things are to do for gas?
Thanks for adding me! :)
anyways, i'm wondering what the best things are to do for gas?
Thanks for adding me! :)
Topic: RE: Surgery Tues., 7/20/10 - Any Band People?
Hi! I had the band on Monday (7/19). I think the most painful part of this whole process is the gas pains! Oh my word! I have had a stitch in my side for 24 hours now and it's so painful. The Dr said this is normal, but man I wish they had told me ahead of time! Anyway, good luck with your recovery!
Topic: RE: Count down...July 30th Surgery RNY
Hi, today I completed one week today of protain shakes, and now one week to go... and than surgery. I must say the two weeks of protain shakes is very hard ! I'm so emotional I cry several times a day. THis is truly a test. I hope you are well.
Topic: RE: Surgery Tues., 7/20/10 - Any Band People?
How are you doing? I had my realize band on Wed the day after yours! I chickened out with the rny 4 days before but I was lucky that they still went with it. Are you hungry? I am sometimes and if it wasn't for the incisions, I wouldn't believe they did anything but I know they did-he he. How much are you eating? I had about a half cup of pureed cottage cheese and half cup apple sauce at the hospital for lunch yesterday. Today I had a protein shake for breakfast, a slimfast for lunch-which I didn't know if that was ok or not, but I called the dietician to be sure I'm doing this right. I didn't tell her I had the slim fast so I still don't know the answer to that. I had SF jello this afternoon. I took my first showed this afternoon. How great! I get tired easily but other wise I'm doing good. It would be great to hear from you. I also gained the 7 lbs I had lost before surgery but know thats from all the IV stuff. Hope to hear back from you, it would be nice to have some to compare things to. and to help each other! Take care, Debbie
Topic: RE: Anybody having surgery in July?
Hi my surgery was july 19th as well, Congrats to everyone and I hope everyone who has already had theres is doing well. I am felling pretty good a little gas still left but I have been up and out already , no pain :)
Topic: RE: RNY July 29th & thought I was ready, but so scared now
Hi , I am 35and I just had my RNY on Monday I wasnt scared until the day of then I started getting nervous but I knew i made the right choice for me. I left the hospital on Tues and yesterday I went to pay a bill, went to the bank then to walmart, other then gas i wasnt in too much pain , now the gas was aweful but i did everything they told me to do and today I woke up feeling so much better! Everyone is different after surgery but you hav eto think you have one up on other because you have been through one proedure so you know sorta of what will happen, except now you are choossing tod o RNY obviously because its what you feelyou need so just breath and know you will be ok and back on the loosers bench before you know it .You will be fine and there is lots of support on here I added you as a friend
I will be praying for you !

Topic: RE: I Week Post Op
wow thats great , I must say 64 0z wow I am almost 5 days post op had my surgery monday but I am having a hard time even getting 20 oz of water it , because when I drink I get a tight / pain feeling in my chest that goes away once i burp or the water goes through it is getting better so hopefully soon I will be able to get it in. I am only on liquids for one week clear that is then full one week then soft foods :) then week 4 start introducing foods. I too fell pretty good really only the belly botton incision is sore. I went to the bank, walmart yesterday and did fine.
Topic: RE: newbie here, post op day 3
i had the VSG. I have had no pain in my legs. All my pain has now gone away. I'm still doing all liquids but soon I get to go to pureed!! I never thought I would be excited to go to pureed lol. I would ask your doctor about the leg pain maybe it was positioning in surgery? Hopefully it gets better for you,
Topic: RE: Gas and bloating - post op question
I was allowed to have the chewable gas ex. Smilicone is the generic. For me, it was a miracle worker
Topic: RE: freaking out!!! surgery on july 29th
I am not freaking out as much as i was but still nervous. I know this is the right thing to do but still my nerves. This time next week i should be out of surgery. Still a little unreal for me.