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Glad to hear you are doing well! Gaining weight in the hospital is normal. They give you quite a bit of fluid in your IV. You'll lose that, so don't worry about that.
With regard to pills, my doctor gave me allergy pills (which are small) in the hospital and sent me home with pills for pain as well as my proton pump inhibitor which was massive. He said that taking them would not be a problem. They actually never caused me any trouble, other than making me feel really full. But, be sure to do what your doctor tells you to do. Every doctor is different.
I hope things continue to go well for you! :)
Glad to here things are going better for you, I am just 3 days post op and cant wait to be on the losing side again, I lost about 10 pounds in the weeks leading to my surgery, but weighed myself today when I got home and am up by 4 pounds, I know that this is water gain from the IV, but it was discouraging to see a jump in weight after 3 days of really not eating.
I can't wait to join you on the losing side, I couldnt stand wearing my bra home from the hospital today, so hopefully the pain on my upper left stonach will subside soon.
Thank you for keeping us posted on your success and letting us know that is does get better when we are having a bad day.
For all of you who are newly post opt or getting ready for surgery I have to say I feel so much better than I thought. I definitely have soreness at the lap sights, but after everything I read on these boards, I was prepared for the worst and it really has not been so bad.
One bit of advice if your date is coming up is when talking to your anesthesiologist is to be prepared for nausea and be proactive. My Dr gave me a patch to wear behind my ear and anti nausea medicine as soon as I came out and I never got that horrible nausea feeling.
I just keep sipping all day long and luckily I seem to be ok with protein shakes. Will start vitamins tomorrow. So I will keep my fingers crossed that I tolerate those ok.
One questions is my Dr sent me home with oxi-codiene for pain, I made the mistake of crushing the pill and that was horrible but I was afraid of swallowing the pill, has anyone tried swallowing any pills yet?
How are other newbies doing so far?
I was shocked that after 3 days with hardly no food I gained 4 lb's in the hospital, is this common?
I really hope your recovery goes well for you. I can only think of one bad night of gas pains that I had. My only description is like labor pains. I breathed my way through them and prayed farts & burbs would come..haha.
Good luck and best wishes to you. Alana
I had some really hard days and more than once asked myself "What have I done to myself!!""
But today was really good and my surgeon said I look great and healthy and it is all up hill now.
(my bras are about to fall off and my shoes are too big)