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I found a protein drink at Costco. It's called Premier Nutrition Protein. You buy a case of 18 for $23. They're like milk boxes so they're easy to take to work or the playground. They taste like chocolate milk--my 3 year old keeps wanting to drink mommy's chocolate milk! It has 30g of whey protein, 1g of sugar, and is 160 calories for 11 oz. You can buy vanilla on line from the manufacturer, too.
Good luck everyone!

I had my surgery at the same time as 2 other patients. We went to first breakfast on Tuesday and they are talking about how they are taking multiple walks a day and I'm lucky to walk around Walmart for a few minutes.
Now it's a week after surgery and I feel like I don't know what I'm doing. My surgeon has us progressed to a full liquid diet and we are supposed to be aiming for 60 grams of protein in a day. I've got my protein supplement that I'm adding into my soup and I just mixed up a batch of SF pudding with more supplement in it.
Here's the thing, I'm supposed to be eating less. So, I don't know if I'm drinking too much stuff. My dietitican hasn't been very much help, she's nearly impossible to get ahold of and her answers are far too vague.
Should I be eating 3x a day or is that for after I'm back to a regular diet? I know that my new stomach can't hold very much but then again I'm on liquids so theoretically doesn't it all just go through?
I can't even think to ask everything I don't know. I see my surgeon on Monday for my follow up.
Additionally, I'm still quite painful. I run out of energy so quickly it's a joke to try to get anything done. It's probably not much help that I live alone and I already had to go back to work, the backup I had arranged for didn't work out. My office is in my home so the commute is short.
You all are going through the same feelings that 99% of us had.
It is strange to actually do something that radical to you body. BUT... it will be fine.
Remember - you WILL have what they call "buyers remorse" for the first week.
Then the pain and the remorse will leave more each day.
I am 17 days post op and this weekend was the first weekend I really noticed that my pants are getting very loose. So far I've lost 14 pounds although I haven't weighted today.
Just remember to have all your immediately family on board with this. Telling them you'll be on vacation for the next month and that you will leave all the cooking and cleaning to them. Then just relax and enjoy the time off.
Be sure to look at all the stuff you will need post surgical. Main thing is buy protein drinks and if you know how to cook, make up some broths (chicken and my favorite) Buy a Magic Bullet. it is wonderful for those drinks... plus ice water is like slush... mmmm.
Make sure that you drink lots of fluid and eat the required protein otherwise your body won't heal as fast. What my nurse told me is to sip, sip, walk, and sip...
If you read the June's bulletin board, you'll see they are doing well.
There is a July Surgery 2010 forum that just started up to help us July people understand what the other July person is doing. Hope you'll come and join us.
We also hope to have a weekly chat to get an update on everyone.
Take careFriendInDeed(linda)P.S. that fear won't go away until you are out of the surgery suite.... but like us all Sleeved people say... we wouldn't change it back if we could.