Recent Posts
on 6/6/10 12:55 pm
on 6/6/10 12:55 pm
Topic: RE: Anybody having surgery in July?
Mine's July 13th and I'm excited! I'm so sick of being hungry all the time.
Hey, can someone tell me how to get one of those horizontal weight loss progress charts? I haven't figured out where they are on this site. Thanks!
Hey, can someone tell me how to get one of those horizontal weight loss progress charts? I haven't figured out where they are on this site. Thanks!
Topic: RE: Anybody having surgery in July?
I'm scheduled for RNY July 8 and I feel the exact same way! I'm trying to lose and keep thinking the same thing, about not being able to eat certain foods later...
Topic: RE: Anybody having surgery in July?
I am scheduled for July 8 for RNY, finally! After waiting over a year due to insurance issues. Can't believe its finally scheduled!
Topic: RE: Anybody having surgery in July?
I am scheduled for the same day, July 8th with Dr. Partridge. I've been waiting patiently for over a year due to insurance issues. Finally approved and scheduled!
Blended diet meeting on 6/21.
Blended diet meeting on 6/21.
Topic: RE: Anybody having surgery in July?
Hi!!! I'm being banded on July 29th! I'm sooooooo excited and cain't wait.
Topic: RE: Anybody having surgery in July?
July 6---- DS :)
I'm excited & nervous, but ready for it be time for me to start this journey!
I'm excited & nervous, but ready for it be time for me to start this journey!
Topic: RE: Anybody having surgery in July?
I'm having an RNY on July 6th with Dr. Torquati. Only 31 days away ... I want to lose weight before then, but having a hard time getting motivated ... I keep thinking ... I wont' be able to eat this later, so I better eat it now ... HELP

Topic: RE: Anybody having surgery in July?
July 12th here, very excited cant wait to feel better no more aches and pains from carrying this weight!!!
Topic: RE: Anybody having surgery in July?
I am having the gastric sleeve. I just got my day of July 14. Good Luck to you!
I am having the gastric sleeve. I just got my day of July 14. Good Luck to you!