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Topic: RE: Surgery Postponed due to ulcers
Hi there! Just wondered how everything went after your doctor reviewed your results. Since I haven't heard back I'm hoping it's because you got the 'OK' for surgery and were busy getting prepared.
My follow up endoscopy is today so keep your fingers crossed!

Topic: RE: Anybody having surgery in July?
I am scheduled for the Lap Band July 16th. Currently on day 4 of my 2 week pre-op protein shake diet. Fun times! 

Topic: RE: Anybody having surgery in July?
I only had to have a BMI under 60 but my doctor wants me to be 346 or under. I think I have 4 lbs to go. I cheated 4th of July but just a little. Getting excited though.
Topic: RE: Anybody having surgery in July?
I am on the 26th here in knoxville. Sometimes I feel like the only one in town going through this right now. I've only met 1 person that has gone through the surgery so far and it is nerve wrecking. I'm having RNY at UT.
Topic: RE: Anybody having surgery in July?
Me too! exciting! I want to lose about 20lbs before, but luckily there's not a weight loss requirement for my ins. Good luck!!!
Topic: RE: Surgery Postponed due to ulcers
Good luck to both of you. I have my upper endoscopy scheduled for the 21st and I hope it goes well. I can't imagine going through all of this for indefinite postponement. Hope it works out for you guys and that you get your surgery soon.
Topic: RE: Day 1 of protein shake diet!
This is my 1st day of te liquid diet. The program I'm in requires 2 weeks of nothing but protein shakes and clear liquids. I am supposed to start on the 12th, but I've decided to start early. If I have a breakdown or eat something durring the 2wk period the surgery is cancelled. I figure I will give myself a week of practice incase of any meltdowns or anything. So far I have had 3 protein shakes, sf jello, 1 popcicle, and chicken broth. Not too bad so far today, I am a little jittery. I wonder if I will lose weight during this time, I hope to get under 300lbs before surgery. I don't know. Good luck to everyone!
Topic: RE: alright, who's starting to...
I am 21 days from surgery and just like everyone else I am freaking out. My surgery is set for the 26th. I'm a single mom and my son is only 2yrs old. He's a real mama's boy. He often sneaks from his bed to mine in the middle of the night, always says I'm the best, a true cuddle-bug. I won't be able to hold him for more than a week. He's a big boy, weighing 34lbs he's tall too, 95% on height. But I will not be able to lift him for about 2 or 3 weeks depending on how everything goes. I'm having the RNY. My primary reason for the surgery is to be a better and healthier mom. The time apart is going to be the hardest. He is going to stay for a friend from July 25th through Aug 1st. She has promised to bring him for visits both to the hospital and the house. I trust her, but it doesn't mean I won't miss my Leo. He doesn't understand which is also part of the reason for doing t now while he's too young to know what's going on. I swear he's going to think he was adopted when he's older since there are so few pictures of us together. There might be 10 pics since his birth and there is only 1 of my being pregnant. Obviously I'm rambling, but the point is yes I'm freaking out too.
Topic: RE: Anybody having surgery in July?
I had my consultation on July 1 and surgery date is scheduled for July 22. Good Luck to everyone.">">>