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Topic: RE: Day 1 of protein shake diet!
Holy cow! They have you doing 3 weeks of protein? I won't say it ever got "easy" for me, but it did get better in the second week! Hang in there Christina, it WILL all be worth it.
Topic: RE: Surgery Postponed due to ulcers
I found out Friday that my surgery is being postponed. I'm so sad about it. I have to take prilose****il Aug 18th. So, I'm thinking my surgery is off until Sept. I'm scared that what if the doctor says my ulcers aren't healed. And what about my insurance I'm afraid my time will run out before I get cleared for surgery.
Broken hearted too
I found out Friday that my surgery is being postponed. I'm so sad about it. I have to take prilose****il Aug 18th. So, I'm thinking my surgery is off until Sept. I'm scared that what if the doctor says my ulcers aren't healed. And what about my insurance I'm afraid my time will run out before I get cleared for surgery.
Broken hearted too
Topic: RE: Day 1 of protein shake diet!
Day 7 of my protein diet and things are getting a little better. I've cheated twice so far. The 1st night I ate 3 oreos. After that I cheated on day 5 when I was baking the kids cookies and I licked the peanutbutter from my finger. I'm not sure the peanut butter really counts, but it made me feel bad about it. I have 14 more days to go and I am not doing horribly I think. My emotions are getting to me. I had to litreally lay on my office floor the other day from feeling so bad. They say it gets better. But only 50 carbs a day? And more than 100g protein? I hope this works. I've lost 6lbs since thursday and hope to lose at least 10 more before surgery. I just want to be in the 200's again. Ofcourse 10lbs puts me at 299, but it's better than where I started.
Topic: RE: Surgery on Thursday
You are just one day away girl, all will be fine I will be praying for you.

Topic: RE: Surgery on Thursday
William be encourage everything will be ok, don't worry about sounding young we all go through having second thoughts I had them too all the way up until I got to the hospital and they starting preparing me for surgery. It will be ok after the surgery I was fine there will be gas the best thing for that is to walk as much as possible. The first couple of days I walked around in the house and slept with a bed pillow at night this allow me to sit up and sleep it felt better. Now I go outside and walk around at least two or three times a day. Good luck and don't worry God has it all in control.
Topic: RE: alright, who's starting to...
i here you im scheduled for the 19th as well and i have been freaking out as well the process seemed to take forever... until your approved but after that it happens so quick i got my surgery date last week the day i was approved..
Topic: RE: alright, who's starting to...
my surgery is scheduled 2 week from now on the 19th and im complety bugging out and second guessing.. im wondering am i strong enough for this new change.. its like how do you stop being you.. well the old you so to speak .. i think im over thinking and getting scatter brained.... ahhh so much to take in ...
Topic: RE: Surgery on Thursday
how do u feel post op i hate to sound young but does your insides feel weird im scheduled for the 19th im nervous as heck and second guessing ....
Topic: RE: newbie here, post op day 3
Yes the gas was horrible, the cause of most of my discomfort it finally subsided last night, but I took some tums. I am doing alot better today. Sore of course, left side as well. My lil one laid his head on my lap, and when my insides gurgled he looked up at me as if something was gonna rip out of my stomach and eat him LOL
Topic: RE: newbie here, post op day 3
Hey! I had my surgery on the 6th as well. The gas is killing me...I didint know if it was normal for my stomach to make the noises it was! It sounds horrible! Aside from that, my left side is pretty sore. It takes a few minutes walking after I stand up to actually not have to walk hunched over. I noticed the day I come home from surgery I was heavier than when I went in, but today weighed myself and 9 lbs lighter. I think it was from all the fluids and bloating. I hope that everyone has a speedy recovery!