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I'm glad you are feeling good.
Yesterday I got right out of bed, showered, cleaned the house, put make up on, did my hair, went shopping, made dinner, cleaned some more and....... today I feel like I got my butt seriously kicked!!! :) I think I may have over done it a little. I'm resting today.
You are having the same feelings about food that I am. One problem I have though is that I don't get full on the liquid diet. I'm not starving or anything but the liquids just go right through me. You'll have to update after your apt. and tell me what the doctor said about not getting full or that feeling of fullness.
Keep feeling better and make sure you take rests from time to time.

I'm so glad to be able to read everyone's experience.
Well I am a week post op and I am feeling OK, soreness is practically all gone and I am feeling good. I have to say though, I am dealing with some head hunger, as people like to call it, where your mind says your hungry but the pouch says no, and I am pretty sure that's what it is cause the only time I feel hungry is when I am cooking for my kids and people are talking about food.
I still don't seem to have a full sensation, so what I am doing is measuring everything that I consume into 2 oz. Excep****er.
I seem to be getting better with my water intake and protein day by day, I made it to 3, 16 oz bottles of water yesterday, that still makes me one bottle shy of the 64 oz that I am supposed to have.
I am pretty much alright. I have my post op follow on Saturday with my husband cause that's the only day he has off and the Dr really wants him to come in for an eval. My husband had his GBS done two years ago by the same surgeon, but because of Insurance issues, he hasn't been able to go back to see him till now.
I hope today turns into a great day for everyone!!!!

OMG! The noise! I never thought my stomach could make those noises.
Checking in to see how everyone is doing. Tomorrow is weigh day for me, I decided Mondays were a good day for this, I have no idea why. I'm a little nervous. Pretty much all of the gas and bloat is gone from sugery. so this will be interesting.
Eating is going well. Sticking pretty much to the planned stuff the nut gave me. Haven't had any problems. Except the gagging trying to get the shakes down.
Anyone else noticed their sense of smell is like super sensitive?