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Topic: Count down...July 30th Surgery RNY
Hello, It is 5days of protain shakes and a few lettuce leaves , in prep for surgery.I'm excited and little scared . Anyone else out there going through the same ???
Topic: RE: freaking out!!! surgery on july 29th
I am also having surgery on the 29th of July. I have been OK up until today, but now am freaking out. I keep telling myself that I have proved time and time again that I can't do this on my own, that this is the right decision for me and that I am investing in my future. But am still freaking out!!!!
I am also having surgery on the 29th of July. I have been OK up until today, but now am freaking out. I keep telling myself that I have proved time and time again that I can't do this on my own, that this is the right decision for me and that I am investing in my future. But am still freaking out!!!!
Topic: RE: newbie here, post op day 3
I just bought a case of the isopure the other day. I mix it with water and sip on it during the say. It sure is a lifesaver!
Topic: RE: freaking out!!! surgery on july 29th
I'm scheduled for the 31st, so I understand completely. I keep asking myself one question: "Where will I be in 1 year from today without this surgery?"
That usually gets be back on track!
That usually gets be back on track!
Topic: RE: newbie here, post op day 3
Hi,have you tried ISOPURE drinks in a variety of flavors? I like alphine punch and grape. They taste like flavored water and each bottle gives 40 grams of protein. Essentially a bottle of ISOpure and one or two shakes will do you for the day. Plus since the ISOPURe comes in liquid 20 oz bottle you will be one third the way to drinking your water also. Hope that helps.
Someone wrote about the multivitamin, take a chewable vitamin, they have them at Trader Joe's.
Someone wrote about the multivitamin, take a chewable vitamin, they have them at Trader Joe's.
Topic: RE: I Week Post Op
My follow up went well, I am down a total of 20 lbs since my weigh in at the hospital. He says i am on track. He adjusted my vitamins> he had me start taking a sub lingual B12 rather then the liquid i was using.Put me on iron every other day and chewable "Chocolate" calcium, much better then the tums I was using LOL, What I am having trouble with is the multi vitamin man those are tuff, I gag every time I am gonna have to see it liquid mutli vitamin is allowed.
I asked about not getting the full sensation and my Dr. said that I wont have a full sensation because I am only on liquids and that won't fill the pouch to give me a full sensation, i wont have a full felling until I eat things that a lil thicker.
I asked about not getting the full sensation and my Dr. said that I wont have a full sensation because I am only on liquids and that won't fill the pouch to give me a full sensation, i wont have a full felling until I eat things that a lil thicker.
Topic: RE: freaking out!!! surgery on july 29th
I had surgery on 7-29-02, nearly eight years ago. I will be praying for you and with you during this difficult time. My journey was not an easy one. Feel free to take a look at my blog and my page and if you want to chat, I'd love to.
P.S. I have recently, in the past 10 months, lost 200 lbs. The surgery is a tool.
I had surgery on 7-29-02, nearly eight years ago. I will be praying for you and with you during this difficult time. My journey was not an easy one. Feel free to take a look at my blog and my page and if you want to chat, I'd love to.
P.S. I have recently, in the past 10 months, lost 200 lbs. The surgery is a tool.
Topic: RE: Day 1 of protein shake diet!
Hi! I'm into Day 10 of the Optifast, and I sure can't wait until my surgery when I don't have to consume this stuff anymore. I never thought chicken broth would ever taste so good!!! I mix the powder with cold decaf coffee and 1 tablespoon of sugar-free hazelnut Torani syrup that I purchased at "Second Cup". I'm not sure about the American standards vs. Canadian (I'm in Canada), but we have to be on the liquid diet for 3 weeks, not 2 (ugghhh!!!!).
OK...I'm going to have my chicken broth now.
OK...I'm going to have my chicken broth now.

Topic: RE: freaking out!!! surgery on july 29th
Hi! My surgery is scheduled for July 30, and I too am super nervous and also second-guessing. I heard that that's perfectly normal (doesn't make it any easier, though). On the flipside, though, I know I can't keep living the way I'm living right now, so anything that'll help is worth having done. I know that if I were to change my mind and not get the surgery, I'd kick myself for the rest of my life - in all actuality, the surgery and recovery are but a blip in time of your entire life, and in a few years, you'll look back and it'll all be a faint memory.
Topic: RE: freaking out!!! surgery on july 29th
Well i am freaking out to my surgery is July 28th. I have second guessed myself to but i still want to have it. It may suck at first but it doesnt last forever. u will do great u pray for me and i will for u good luck,