Surgery Postponed due to ulcers
I had received that wonderful call stating my surgery was approved and my date was in three weeks!! Imagine my feeling as I've been waiting for a year due to job loss, change of health insurance, re-qualifying, finally get to this magical moment was euphoric to say the least. Then I had my physician preferred endoscopy to make sure since my stomach was about to be sealed off forever, everything was fine.....and they found 2 small ulcers!!!! 
I felt like crying, screaming, crying again and then reality set long now? My doctor perscribed Prevacid, to which I developed a nasty allergic reaction to, ended up in the hospital with hives so bad I had to have an epi shot and advanced doses of steroids, benadryl and pepcid just to recover.
Now I'm playing the waiting game. Does anyone have any tips on healing ulcers and how i'm NOT supposed to stress right now?
Sad & Broken hearted

I felt like crying, screaming, crying again and then reality set long now? My doctor perscribed Prevacid, to which I developed a nasty allergic reaction to, ended up in the hospital with hives so bad I had to have an epi shot and advanced doses of steroids, benadryl and pepcid just to recover.
Now I'm playing the waiting game. Does anyone have any tips on healing ulcers and how i'm NOT supposed to stress right now?
Sad & Broken hearted
Hi how's it going? I too just had a endoscopy and they found two ulcer's and a heria. So far my surgery hasn't been postponed, but I'm waiting to see what the surgeon says after he see's the report from the Dr that did the enoscopy. Keeping my fingers crossed. The Dr called and said he would like to see it completely healed before the surgery, but said it's up to the surgeon if he wants to go ahead.
Good luck to us both
Good luck to us both
Hi there! Sorry to hear about that and I'm hoping the best for us both too. I go for my f/u upper GI 7/6 and you have no idea how crossed my fingers are right about now! When my GI doctor looked at the results, he immediately recommended the postpoing my surgery which my surgeon agreed with. I'm hoping that I can finally put this behind me and move on, so I will let you know how it goes. Look forward to hearing from you after your surgeon 'rules' and good luck to you too!
Hi and thank you for your support. Yes these past few weeks have been nerve-wrecking and today is the big day of my rtest and I'm just praying everything is healed and we will be back on track for surgery with no further delays. Thanks again, I wish you the best on your exam on the 21st and I'll keep you updated on my progress.
I found out Friday that my surgery is being postponed. I'm so sad about it. I have to take prilose****il Aug 18th. So, I'm thinking my surgery is off until Sept. I'm scared that what if the doctor says my ulcers aren't healed. And what about my insurance I'm afraid my time will run out before I get cleared for surgery.
Broken hearted too
I found out Friday that my surgery is being postponed. I'm so sad about it. I have to take prilose****il Aug 18th. So, I'm thinking my surgery is off until Sept. I'm scared that what if the doctor says my ulcers aren't healed. And what about my insurance I'm afraid my time will run out before I get cleared for surgery.
Broken hearted too
I understand 100% what you are feeling and going through, my heart goes out to you. It's an incredibly hard thing to hear especially considering all we've gone through to get to this point and when insurance is an issue. I've been down that road twice and thought I was gonna just fall apart when I found about my ulcers..i literally cried because it was like I was flying high and then someone put a pin in my hot air balloon, so frustrating.
But as hard as it is, you gotta keep going and just be as dedicated to getting rid of those ulcers, etc as you were at getting qualified in the first place. Whatever diet ur advised to folow FOLLOW IT to the letter NO exceptions because time is of the essence. I was told on May 13 that I wouldn't be retested for 6-8 wks and I had my follow up July 7 and my ulcers were 100% healed! I thought that was it, I'm headed down the stretch now..then hit another hurdle, my husband (we are going thru a divorce now and ins is under his employer) had me dropped as of June 16!
Of course he didn't tell me. I was in rare form and after much discussion, he called HR and had them put me back on and cannot make any changes until Jan 2011 so I have another 6 mos of coverage. My point is DONT give up now, keep going and I'll be here to help anyway I can as a part of your support team..bcz you were mine.

Thank you so much. Last week was a terrible week for me not only did I find out about my surgery being postponed, but I also tore a ligament in my calf while getting out of the pool. Thought I'd try to get some low impact exercise. LOL I feel like my body is jut working against me. Right at this point I'm feeling like it's not going to happen. What if they go back for a look and ulcers are still there. He didn't give me a specific diet just told me to take prilocec twice a day. Yuck!!!!
Well i had to basically have a bland diet (which helped with my weight loss lol) no spicy foods, no citrus fruits, no carbonated drinks (sodas, etc), no caffeine coffees or teas, no fried foods, etc. I have high blood pressure so i don't use salt and like seasonsings so that was hard to just do like, but for the cause outweighed the desire for that stuff. I ate mashed potatoes, fruits and drank lots of water dropped another 8 pounds so i guess it was good all the way around. You'll be okay though. Just FYI - I GOT ANOTHER DATE! I'm so excited and pray all goes well. August 10th is my day so say a prayer for me!