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I too am loving my collarbones! It is so great to feel them! I also love my jaw! I no longer have a double chin! Sweet! My arms, tummy, and thighs look like a former fat person, but it's cool! I can keep those parts covered for the most part! I did wear a swimsuit today around the yard and I wasn't self conscious at all! It was awesome!
Totterville? lol - that's a new one on me. Hmmm, still trying to figure that one out :-) I need to get exercising again, but it's been so dang hot out!! Great excuse huh lol
We'll I actually have a collar bone... crazy.. and when I laugh you can see the bone next to my vocal cord.. I haven't seen that since HIGH SCHOOL... also I went bra shopping tonight.. pre-op I wore a F then after 3 mos. DDD then 10 mos. 42 D.. but the funny thing is one BOOB is bigger than the other..LOL the lady sized me and one BOOB is 40 D... What the H--LL!! LOL Crazy.. And my crazy A--SS keep going into the just my size..
when its not my size anymore..LOL
Take care Girlie
I like my arms the most. Sometimes when I have to scratch something on my upper arms I feel the bone and muscle there instead of just the blob of skin that used to be my arms. I am really enjoying that!
I also like my wrists. The fact that I can see the bone now and wear regular bangles that fit over my wrists.
What do you like or what are you enjoying about your "new" body?
I mean your doing the dag on thing... I still look in the mirrior and see this 380 lbs girl.. when will my brain catch up?? I can wear 13/14.. I was packing to move the other day.. and my daughter who has also lost about 35 lbs... from changing eating habits and running.. I"M SOOO proud of her TOO!!.. she said I inspired her.. TEAR Drops.