Is anyone else struggling?

on 5/3/10 2:02 am - Louisville, KY
I am 10 months post-op and did very well the first six months.  I have now lost 122 pounds, but I'm having a really hard time with my eating.  Old habits are coming back and I do not have the restriction that I did the first few months after my surgery.  I am terrified that I'm going to gain the weight back.  I have gained 3 pounds in the last month and it's no surprise.

I'm wondering if anyone else is going through the same thing, and if so, what are you doing to combat it?

I was a self-pay patient and I cannot imagine that I spent $20,000 only to fail.
on 5/3/10 3:39 am - Alice, TX
Leanne, like you, I too was a self pay. And can not imagine gaining any of the weight back. I refuse!!!

I am 8 months out and have been having a little more trouble in the past month too. I know that there are days that I have eaten a little more than I should be, but I just get right back into it the next day. I will do everything in my power to keep myself busy. The days (Monday because this is my day off and no one is at home) that I have nothing to do and just sit around are the hardest. This is when I start grazing. The days that I go to work I will only pack what I limit myself to eat for the day. This helps.

Hopefully this will help you a little. Try to keep yourself busy with crafts, reading, cleaning, or get out of the house. Also, I have found that if I keep sipping on water all day it helps with the grazing.

You have done so great so far and you will continue to do great. Keep up the good work.

(deactivated member)
on 5/3/10 1:56 pm - Glenside, PA
Yes, my old eating habits are trying to make a comeback and I am trying to do my bet to work through them.  I am still "celebrating" my good choices and forgiving my bad ones.  As long as I keep making the good choices I will feel that I am making progress. 

Let the fact that you spent 20,000 be your motivation.  It is crazy to let this EXPENSIVE second chance at health slip through your fingers.  You are so totally worth taking care of yourself!  You can do it.  Keep coming back for support and sharing.  We can all be in this together.
on 5/3/10 5:37 pm
Yep...It's rough! I find myself grazing and thinking about food too much! I am struggling not wanting to be the kind of person that needs to think about every bite she eats.  I want to settle at a weight that is comfortable for me that requires the least amount of effort to maintain. That is just me being honest and realistic about myself.  I think that is the key to long term success with this.  I still need to work on my compulsive thoughts about food.  I am reading some books on it and trying to be mindful and aware.  Hang in there! Awareness is the first step in the right direction.    

on 5/3/10 9:29 pm - Worcester, MA
i am right there with you, i actually posted on the RNY board about my struggles, i wont put them here too, but i have been avoiding coming to this board for very selfish reasons, while im so proud of all of you, i am discouraged because i see you all doing so well and i cant help but feel "whats wrong with me" i am 2 pounds away from my 80lbs lost and i still have another 60 to go and i started logging my food more and eating better (the old habits came back and hunted me down and i struggle with them every day) and i started walking 3 miles a day (from doing just moderate exercise) and i cant get below 191 to save my life. i want to cry, i have started looking into revisions, i have questioned my original instinct to go with RNY and wish i had the option for VSG or DS (which wasnt available in Mass. ) i see my surgeon on the 20th and im so nervous... why cant i seem to lose any more? is my body still getting used to walking 3 miles a day even though its been a month? why did i have to get so spoiled losing so quickly the first 5 months to go practically stagnant now?
i feel for you and if you figure out what to do let me know lol
on 5/4/10 12:29 pm - TX
I have good days and days where my choices aren't the best.  I still start everyday with a Click protein shake and that helps me tremendously.    So far, I'm still losing but it's a very slow process.   I do have food cravings from time to time and have to fight the old habits (my sweet tooth) but it's all about moderation. 

I doubt you have messed up your tool.   Just try to get back to basics and focus on the protein like you did in the beginning.  You can do it!  
Kari M.
on 5/5/10 7:43 am
Whew! I'm so glad that I'm not alone. I'm actually still losing, but I've been super sick for about 3 weeks now, and I think that's the only reason why! I find myself thinking about food in the evening when I get home from work...and the weekends are HARD!

I've actually had dreams that I gained all of my 122 lbs back, but I'm not going to give in to the BEAST!
on 5/17/10 1:09 pm - cornwall, Canada
I to am struggling with eating I am a night eater I am so afraid to stretch my stomach back out it's not funny it's the only thing that i can think about but i have been cheating I started to drink coffee again and every once in a while i have chocolate I feel so guilty. I need to find healthy satisfying snack ideas
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