Old Pictures
I have been looking at old pictures of me lately and I can't believe how big I was! I was humongous! Why didn't anyone tell me...cuz they are nice! :) I just can't believe I let myself get so big. It amazes me that my hubby was attracted to me. YUCK! It is exciting to see all of the changes but I hate looking at those pictures. They are so embarassing and I look so sad. I put my offical before picture on my fridge today. I wanted to remind myself of how far I have come. How are you all doing looking back at pictures? How do you all feel about it?
When I look at mine... I wonder why no one was saying... ABANDON SHIP!!!... LOL I looked like the NUTTY PROFESSOR... I can't ever get that big again.. but I do the same thing I keep the picture of me at my largest near SO everyday I look at how far I come so I won't DO THAT AGAIN.. My little girl said that I wasn't that big to her... SWEET but when you see your mother FAT all the time I believe it becomes normal.. LOL.. But WE WILL NOT DO THAT AGAIN KRISTIE....I'm gonna stay below 300lbs and below 200lbs.. I'm scared to get big again.. I weight myself everyday.. to stay focus.. and manage... it works!! Lets me know if I'm titter tottering!!..