what do you eat?

on 2/2/10 2:07 am - Worcester, MA

just out of curiosity, im wondering what you're daily food.fluid intake looks like. in this stall (geez almost 7 months out and wondering if i already failed or if i should look into a revision) but i started keeping a food journal and i still cant figure out where im going wrong, maybe too many calories? not enough? also does a lack of vitamins stop weight loss? i ran out of my iron and calcium and cant get any more until friday (but, confession... ive been out for a while)

heres a typical day for me

7am- 8oz water
8:30-coffee or tea
10:30- 3oz chicken meat (or tuna or protein powder with milk)
11:00- 16.9 oz water
12pm- lunch, today its 4oz chicken meat, green beans and almonds
1pm- 16.9 oz water
2pm- low fat cheese stick
2:45- 16.9 oz water
3:15- snack or jello mouse (s/f) or fruit like banana or apple
5pm- snack on my train ride, peanuts or... i have resorted to a 2oz bag of cheezits or soy crisps (ack i know!)
6pm- 16.9 oz water
7:30 dinner or 4oz chicken (or tilapia), brown rice and veggie or dreamfields pasta with meat sauce or veggie and steak stir fry... we mix it up with dinner, we try to keep it bariatric and toddler friendly.
8:30 16.9 oz water and sometimes a s/f popsicle



on 2/2/10 7:54 am - Tallahassee, FL
I know I severely undereat and I suck at my fluids..but this is a typical day for me:

7am-4oz Hood 2% Calorie Countdown milk with vitamins and meds
8am-as much water as I can stand
9am-2calcium chews, carbmaster yogurt or protein drink
10am-as much water as I can stand
11am-2calcium chews, a piece of cheese
as much water as I can stand
12:30ish-most of the meat out of a Lean Cuisine or Smart Ones meal..I only eat ones with a ratio of 10cals/1protein gram and rarely eat the veggies or some leftovers from dinner
water water water
2pm-the rest of the meat if I didn't fini**** a piece of cheese or half serving of nuts
3pm-calcium chews

Then this is usually where the day goes bad as I'm not structured and sitting at a desk. I get home and if I remember I eat another yogurt.

I eat out for dinner a lot..get a meat and veggies dish and eat 1/3 of the meat..take the rest home. Or get a salad and eat most of the toppings and leave all the lettuce lol.

My calories are usually under 800 for the day..sometimes seriously low like under 500. I know I know.

I stay away from things with high fructose corn syrup, white flour, anything with sugar in the first 5 ingredients and I will eat no more than 2-3 bites of fruit at a time. I try to pick the foods with the best calorie to grams of protein ratio. I use 2% dairy products--I use full fat salad dressings. I eat a few bites of pretty much anything I want as long as it's not sweet stuff, but I mainly eat dairy and meat. Stay away from peas, corn and carrots because they are high in sugar. Sugar is the devil in my book..lol.

RNY: 7/2009

HW:  361   SW: 320  CW:  157.6

on 2/2/10 8:35 am, edited 2/2/10 8:36 am
04:00 A.M. on the way to work 4 oz reduced fat milk with a scoop of whey protein
05:40 A.M. water load for up to one hour or more I eat less if i do this( vitamin E, iron, biotin, vitamin A, B-complex
08:40 A.M. Breakfast organic oatmeal, one tsp of cant believe it's not butter.. keeps very full
09:50 A.M. water load another hour or more ( vitamin's D, A&D,B-sub-lingual, multi-vitamin)
11:30 A.M. lunch grilled shrimp about 4 oz's or what ever meat cooked yesterday for dinner (chicken , fish, or skinless pork) try to eat a bite or two of veggies
01:50 P.M. water load for 45 mins
04:00 P.M. Dinner (fresh fish, chicken, turkey Pattie,or lean pork only meat  I eat) 4oz's and least two bites of veggies
06:00 P.M. water load 45 mins..
08:00 P.M. snack 9 slices of cucumbers with balsamic vinegar my favorite!!
This is on a good day, if I have time.. LOL.. but it gives me over 65 gram protein ratio up to 10 glasses of water on a good day..LOL some days I don't even want to eat or forget!!
"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."   
on 2/2/10 11:44 am
I have hit a stall also i went for 3 weeks nothing then lost 8 lbs now i am in another stall. I talked to my firend and she said she hit one about this time for 6 weeks then it picked back up and took off i am hoping tis happens with me.  Onederland is calling my name so loud and i feel as if i am never going to make it. I don't think you should worry that your broken or think of a revision so soon I know i feel that way sometimes but i think we all do once i know right now i am beyond frustrated but i am going  to keep on truckin and pray it kicks back up and add moreexercise.

7am decaf coffee w/splenda and sugar free creamer or no sugar added CIB
8am egg and cheese omlet
10am water and vit,biotion,b-12,vit-c
12 noon homemade cheese sticks (2) ( like the kind you would get at applebees as an appetizer but mine are baked not fried) or 3ozchicken salad w/4 wheat ritz
1pm water or decaf tea calcium
3pm if i get munchie i eat apples w/peanut butter or peanuts
4pm more water and calcium
5-6pm chicken, lean beef,pork, and type of protien meat and whole wheat pasta or rice(1/2 oz maybe) or veggies.
7pm water and any vits i may have missed
8pm peanuts,sf fudgesicle,sf jello, or maybe some coy chips
9pm water

I feel sometimes all i do is eat but yet i don't think i eat much in the way of calories and other days i go all day and realize i haven't eaten anything.
Consult weight 329
surgery weight 318
current weight 177
goal 165

on 2/2/10 9:56 pm - Worcester, MA
thanks everyone for your responses, maybe im not doing quite as bad? bryden i understand what you mean by onederland is calling your name. i havent weighed under 200 since 8th grade and now on a good day im 202 and i can seem to get below it. i think posting here and getting some answers has helped me a lot. will you guys continue to hold my hand through this stall? lol!!!
on 2/3/10 10:45 am
Lol i am not quite as close to onederland as you but it is still calling my name today I started journaling my foods and calories (only 650 so far today) I think i might not be getting enough in and maybe my body is holding on to what ever it can. So i put away my scale and am going to keep on going!
Consult weight 329
surgery weight 318
current weight 177
goal 165

on 2/3/10 3:10 am - Bradford, PA

You guys all seem to be doing so well.  I don't really pay attention (even though I know I should) to the exact amount of oz that I drink in the course of the day, but I always have something near by to sip on so I do my best, or would like to think I am  :-)

730am - morning pills w/a bit of water
830am - protein shake - cappucino w/some milk too
9am - 1/2 cup of cottage cheese
noon - usually something high protein (soup, leftovers from night before, today was santa fe chicken salad) plus my noon dose of pills
130pm - back to another protein drink at my desk
330pm- a snack, sf chocolate mouse, or some soy crisps or couple of slices of 75pct fat free cheddar cheese or sometimes a couple of pretzels or 1/3 cup of almonds (but they are so filling)
530p - evening dose of pills
7pm - dinner (always something with protein and then veggies, sometimes carbs if I have any room.  Meat really fills me up.
8pm - something to drink, sometimes water, sometimes crystal light, sometimes another protein drink
10pm - another snack (either cottage cheese or cheese or pretzels)  just depends
11pm - before bed dose of meds

I don't think that I get nearly enough calories as I should during the day (hence, not losing as much a I probably could be).  I probably should start counting them again, just to see.  I'm not hungry for the most part.

I just joined our local gym, so am starting tonight trying to get back on the exercise thing.


I started WL journey on Jan 14, 2009 starting weight @ 342 
Surgery date was July 22, 2009 and started @ 310 and and my goal weight
is 150.00.                   
(deactivated member)
on 2/3/10 12:16 pm - Glenside, PA

You are all doing so much better than I am.  I have been loosing and gaining the same 1-2 lbs since right after THANKSGIVING!  Anyway, here is a typical day for me:
Breakfast - protein shake with soy milk
16 oz water with morning vits
Lunch - 3oz steamed shrimp or 1 cup homemade chicken chilli
16 oz water
Dinner - chilli or liver with onions & peppers
Snack - pretzels crisps, peanuts, pistaschio nuts, almonds sometimes some of all three!

My evening snacking is out of control!  I have to force myself to put in another 16 - 32 oz of water just so I won't eat none stop for the evening.  Sometimes I even have a second dinner of something in the fridge.  So I have decided to fight back by making a renewed committment to exercise.  My current goal is to be aerobically active for 1/2 hour every day.  I'm not very picky about what the activity is but I have to work my heart for 1/2 hour.  I'm hoping to work my way up to jogging so I have at least some balance for my eating habits.  I am counting every small victory.  When I make a better decision (I REFUSED to buy more pretzels crisps at the store tonight!  YEAH!) I make sure that I acknowldge it so I can keep building on those positive steps.

This is HARD!  But I really don't want to be one of those people who went through the whole process of loosing all that weight only to let myself go back to who I was.  I am afraid to fail!

Well, that was a lot.  Thanks for letting me vent.

on 2/3/10 10:06 pm - Worcester, MA

caniseetoo- by looking at what you're eating i wonder if you eat enough during the day? then again im so far from being one to talk, i dont even know if what i eat is enough... or too much...

but im right there with you friend on the fear of failing.

i too have a salty crunchy habit. i found soy crisps, my problem is i dont stop at a recommended serving, i stop when its gone, so i buy the snack sized bags. as far as my sweet tooth... nothing will ever be as good as a cheesecake, or cookies or a chocolate bar... but i keep a bag of sugar free candy at my house, and i also have sugar free fudgcicles too.

good luck!!! lets all hope we can make it through this. because if i dont lose weight again soon im gonna freak out!!!

on 2/6/10 9:22 pm - Morris, IL
I've never had soy crisps. Do they have some protein in them? Where do you buy them? They sound good!

If life knocks you down 7 times, get up 8!Laura_Illinois

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