5 Month WLS Anniversary

on 12/13/09 10:47 pm
 First let me say HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to all of you that share my July 14, WLS date. I just can't believe how much of a transformation that has taken place in ALL OF US. It started out a rocky adventure for all of us. We all had little bumps in the road along the way. And some of us had emotional melt downs at times. But we had each other to help us through the tough times and now look at us today! 

I started this journey topping off at 242 lbs and wearing a size 22. I used to chuckle when the girls on here called me a light weight. To me weighing 242 lbs at 5'3 was anything but light. I was as round as I was tall. Today I am weighing in at 179 lbs and wearing a size 13/14 jeans. I am striving to reach my ultimate goal of 130 lbs. This goal is looking more and more realistic as the days pass.

I am continuing to eat protein meals. Drink lots and lots of water, and exercise. Has there been set backs? Absolutely! I often have eaten the wrong things, tested the waters to see if I'd dump on bad things (and I don't). And forgotten to drink my 64 ounces or eaten really fatty things only to regret it later. My downfall to this day is salty snacks. I try to stay away but sometimes I find myself faltering. But overall I have stuck with my plan. My desire to be healthy has overcome me at this point. I have seen the benefits in the way I feel. I look in the mirror and I don't see the girl that everyone else sees. I know there are changes because of the way I feel, the size I wear and all of the people saying, "WOW, look at you". But I am still the same old me in there. And since I have always avoided mirrors my entire life it is hard to be accepting that I am no longer hideous to look at. 

My goal is set pretty high. I want to weigh in the 150's by the end of March. I set my goal at 150 but I know this is not very realistic. I will continue to do my best and just work work work at it. 

Anyone else celebrating 5 months today check in with me and let me know how your doing! 

on 12/13/09 11:43 pm - TX
Wow, you look amazing!   Keep up the good work.

I'm celebrating five months today as well.  I'm weighing in at 177 and wearing 12/14 in jeans.   I feel great and couldn't be happier with my progress! 
on 12/14/09 12:31 am - Bradford, PA
WOW!!  The two of you are both doing so very well, runnin' neck and neck with each other, almost exactly.  I just don't know Pooh's height  :-)

Even though I didn't have my surgery on your date, I'm about 64 lbs behind you.  Yesterday,  I celebrated losing 100 lbs since beginning my weight loss journey on January 14th of 2009.  I still can't believe that I've done this well so far.  69 since surgery date.  I keep liking the higher number a little better, because after all, I did lose that part too  :-)

congrats to both of you and keep on a keepin' on  :-)

I started WL journey on Jan 14, 2009 starting weight @ 342 
Surgery date was July 22, 2009 and started @ 310 and and my goal weight
is 150.00.                   
on 12/14/09 5:45 am
 Thanks Luanne! You put us all to shame with the amount you have lost! Total weight lost just amazes me! You ROCK! XOXO
on 12/14/09 1:44 am - TX
I'm 5'6".   My goal is 150 or so.  I need to post some updated photos on my profile page.   
on 12/14/09 5:41 am
 Your almost at goal! That's fantastic! :D
on 12/14/09 2:21 am - Decatur, GA
just wanna say congrats to ya..I'm almost 5months~
  SW:350 /CW:190 /GW:180                              
on 12/14/09 3:17 am - Avenel, NJ

Congrats!!!, Butterflydreams!

I had my surgery-anniversary on the 6th and am doing grrreat! On the day of my anniversary my month long stall broke and I lost 7 pounds, just like that. I too started at 242 (and I'm 5'3") and now I weigh 165!!! I'm in a size 10 pant.  Well, as long as they are low waisted pants! I still have a little belly but, shoot, its a heck of a lot smaller then it used to be!

I have the same goal as you. I want to be 150 or less by March. I weight myself at work on one of those medical like scales that has the monster weights balancing under the little arrow that inches across. Well, I would absolutely love to move that big ol' weight down a knotch!

Here's to making it to our goal together!!!



on 12/14/09 5:41 am
 Thanks! It sounds like you are doing fantastic! I sure wish mine would move! It seems like forever since the scale has really moved moved. It just stays stuck at a number for a whle then all of a sudden it will move and so on. I attribute some of it to the fact I am working out so much that maybe "muscle" is causing it to stand still. I am still losing in inches. 

Now I want to be in a size 10! I bought some the other day at Good Will this is my other goal for the end of March. To fit into size 10 jeans! :D
Joanna S.
on 12/14/09 5:51 am - Lonaconing, MD
You know I FORGOT that today makes 5 months!  You look great! Congratulations! 
I'm doing OK.  I feel good!  I'm taking 3 medications a day instead of 13-15 and I take nothing for diabetes.  I bought a size 22 swimsuit top for my Jan 1 vaca in Florida last week.  Last year I wore a 32. (Don't know about bottom, its on backorder and may or may not fit).   I guess that The surgery is working for me, but I realize that if I really wanted to mess things up I know I could.  It's not been a miracle cure.  It's hard work.  Anyone who says its the "easy" way gets an earful from me!   I've had two mini stalls.  I've fallen off the wagon and ate the wrong things.  I've missed some protein and vitamins and fluid.  But, overall, I've done pretty darn good.  I don't see what others see yet, but I'll get there. 
Mini-wow.  My father walked past me in the drugstore 3 times before he realized it was me.
My personal goal is 175, but to have a "Normal" BMI I need to be under 147.  I'll be ok anywhere between the two.
Thanks for posting the thread.

You'll never leave where you are until you decide where you'd rather be.

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