Liquor..alcohol...have you done it yet?
Oh I've had a little bit here and there. My doctor said no no no, but I figured just a smidge wouldn't hurt. THANK GOD I WASN'T DRIVIN! Last night I had a little baby 3 oz cup with wine (and ice) and I sipped about half...I was not just tipsy, I was DRUNK! My friends laughed and laughed. It didn't last long though. When I am at an event, I may get a glass of vodka straight with a little lemon juice (did that twice), but again DRUNK! Really, my drink of choice used to be margaritas in a variety of flavors. I know that is too sweet now, so I don't even think about liquor the same way LOL!
Shida, i'm on a mission to learn how to make a new Margie that's not as sweet. I think Splenda will become my new friend in that department. I love my Margarita's too. They won't taste the same and will probably be a tad more bitter, but I know there's one out there so if you find it before me, let me know. I love margie's
I think that the two main reasons why they tell us NOT to drink alcohol is because it is empty calories and plus because it will hit us like a ton of bricks in many cases (depending on the selection and speed in which we drink it). I'll still indulge once in a while and looking forward to it. I suspect Thanksgiving wine will be a good 1st time with family.