Living between the stalls

on 11/9/09 6:58 am - Whitehouse, TX
it seems to be something I regularly deal has almost become a joke around the house.  'In another stall hum?"  my DH will ask.  He can tell by the way I treat the poor scales!  LOL.  I honestly can't complain - 44 pounds in 4 months, 30 more the prior month, so 74 pounds in 13 months isn't too shabby.  I know I continue to loose when the scales don't move because I am still going through clothes!

But the bigger picture is the health improvements, which in the end is a goal for all of us - to feel better and get back into life!  I have recently gone to the ortho dr about my knee that is doing this locking and poping thing.  They did xrays and MRI and I have bone spurs and arthritis (knew that).  But he keeps going on and on asking me if I have pain .... and NOW I DON'T!  My arthritis no longer bothers me cronically!  I am going to physical therapy to learn how to strenghthen my knees and core muscles.  I am amazed at what I can do and still walk!  Thank you RNY!

I was at DFW (again!) and walked instead of using the moving sidewalks!  I look for ways to take a few extra steps.

I got up this morning and used the fitness room in the hotel!  Who is this person in the mirror?!

I have so much to be thankful for.  I remind myself that I'm a slow loser, but it will come off.  My hair will grow back (I can already see some new little hairs).  My DS can reach all the way around me and give me a really big bear hug for he first time ever!

I am so thankful!
on 11/9/09 7:20 am - Bradford, PA

Julie, you are doing so well.  Keep up the good work.  It's those little changes that we're making which will make a huge difference in our lives and our ultimate goals  :-)   Keep on keepin' on Julie.


I started WL journey on Jan 14, 2009 starting weight @ 342 
Surgery date was July 22, 2009 and started @ 310 and and my goal weight
is 150.00.                   
on 11/9/09 11:13 am - TX

I feel the exact same way.  I'm pleased with my progress so far and I know, realistically, that my weight loss will slow down as I creep closer to goal.  I've been stuck at the same weight for over two weeks and I want to stomp the scale every morning, and yet, I'm thankful for all the little moments in this journey!   

on 11/10/09 12:22 am - WI
I know how frustrating the scale can be. I hate my scale this week. It is going up then down because of my monthly cycle. No matter how much I exercise, protein and water. Just cant' get it to go in the right direction. I am so frustrated with it. Last week it went up to 217.4 then this week went to 215 then it went down 212.6 and now these last 2 days it is back to 214.2. I can't take it anymore. I working myself hard and can't get it to go anywhere. My goal this month was to get to 200 or less. The way it is going I don't think it will happen by thanksgiving. Too much with gain and plateaus going on.

OMG last week Friday I went to parent/teacher conference and I try to sit in the school desk, I can't believe it fit perfectly in it. Did not even have to sit side ways. Wow can't remember the last time I was able to sit in school desk. That is amazing! 

Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
(deactivated member)
on 11/11/09 1:45 am - IL
I am stuck with you.  Crossing fingers something happens soon.  Can't take 4 weeks without a loss, it is too soon for that.  I still have 60 lbs to go!  I have noticed my clothes getting a little bigger though, so hopefully I am getting smaller somehow.  Thanks for posting.
on 11/16/09 10:19 pm - San Antonio, TX
Thank  you so much for posting this!  I am going through it too!  181--180 for bout three weeks now and it is so frustrating.  I even put my scale away so i wouldn't obsess about it and weight in everyday.  That worked for about 3 days :(. 

But thanks to your post I don't feel alone!
Julie L.
on 11/17/09 12:28 pm - Newport, ME
I'm in the same boat....... I literally did not lose even a pound the whole month of october!!!  I lost inches, but not one pound.   This month is going better though.  I try not to get discouraged because the sizes are getting smaller, but it sure would be nice if I could get under the 200 mark.  

One thing I have noticed over the last month is a big boost in my energy.  I was so weak after surgery and so tired.

Best wishes to all of you..... keep up the great work!!!!!


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