Milk - lots of sugar and carbs - I HAD NO IDEA!!
I'm starting to rethink my skim milk intake and switching to water for my protein shakes. I was shocked the other day on another thread, where they were talking about the amounts of sugars and carbs in milk. I guess because it is a source of protein and because my doctor and NUT recommended it on the daily eating plan, I never thought twice about or realized how much crap I was getting. Dang, I'll bet if I stop the milk or cut back considerably that I'll start to lose again. I can't believe I wasn't paying attention and just trusted because I tend to mix all of my protein drinks w/milk. Oh well, I need to stop assuming that everything which was recommended for post-op is something we can just eat when we want. Same thing with mashed potatoes and grits, but fortunately, I know enough to eat those things in moderation (ie: very little if at all). UGH..we can be so trusting. I wish they would have said, "milk is OK, but don't get carried away and try to learn to drink your protein shakes w/water due to the sugar and carb intake". No wonder my shakes always tasted so good. :( Another of life's little pleasures with a wrench thrown into it.
I need to pay more attention!!
I also use the Carb Countdown Dairy Beverage quite a bit for my protein shakes, iced lattes and protein ice cream. It has very low sugar and is thicker than regular milk (also comes in chocolate).
At this point, the doctor wants me to get the majority of my protein from food sources and not protein shakes anyway so I try to limit myself to one shake per day. It's hard as some days I don't want to think about food.
I think I have a problem with cow's milk (last time I had it I had MAJOR bowel problem) but that doesn't bother me as I can't stand milk in general.
Anyway. it's not just the fat and sugar in the milk that count. There are good things in there too; Vitamin A and D!