I feel almost lost??

on 10/23/09 1:18 pm
So in a way i feel a little lost in a cycle of pills, protien and water then at the end of the day it hits me that still haven't seem to have gotten everything in ugh. Oh well.
This morning i weighed in at  252 which i have been sort of stuck at for a week and a half or so.  Had my 3 month check this week and the dr said i was doing good.  I specifically asked my nut about breads, pastas and rice and told her i have only tired whole wheat pasta and low carb whole wheat tortillas and done fine. I wanted to know because some have a fear of these foods and i wanted her opinion she said our bodies need a certain amount of carbs but the good kind and a small portion so i felt relieved.  I don't think I can go the rest of my life and never eat these things and i feel better now about it and know I just need to watch my portions and eat the healthy kind and of course protein first always.
Ok on to my next thing I am so stuck in the clothes department.  I started in a 4X shirt and a 26/28 pants i finally shrank out of all of those and i went shopping and my sizes are all so wierd i have 1 shirt  in a 18 and 2 in 22 then i have shorts in a 18 and one pr of pants even in a 16/18 and capris in 22  and one pr of jeans in a 20 wierd it is almost harder now to shop i have to try it all on lol.  I went to my clothing exchange at my clinic and it was so a JOKE i took in about $600 worth of clothes and came out with noting feel a little jipped.  I am suppose to go to a ladies house tomorrow and look thru her clothes i pray hard i find something i have NO winter things at all and hate spending money on them the shorts i bought last month are to big now oh well rather to big tha to small like they use to be right.  Money is so tight right now my hubs might be medically retiring from the military and starting a new job which will be a tough go for a while so no extra extravagence for now. Oh and my one friend i know here is leaving  I don't know anyone else BLAH!  Oh well.
Thanks for letting me blab on and on love the JULYERS!   
Consult weight 329
surgery weight 318
current weight 177
goal 165

on 10/24/09 11:26 am - Bradford, PA
sounds to me like you're right on track.  Just keep working your tool.  You're doing fine.

Have you incorporated any exercise in yet?  How many calories are you getting per day?  Keep going :-)

I started WL journey on Jan 14, 2009 starting weight @ 342 
Surgery date was July 22, 2009 and started @ 310 and and my goal weight
is 150.00.                   
on 10/25/09 3:11 am
It sounds like you are doing a good job.. it is hard sometimes.. but you know what that's what we are all here for.. but I feel you on the pant an top.. I seem to me one week the top of me shirnks while the bottom waits, then next week visa versa!!..
I wish you continue sucess!!
"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."   
on 10/25/09 4:41 pm - Orlando, FL
Girlfriend you're doing VERY good!!! I can not wait to see the end results. I am really pushing to be around 257 at 6 months out. That would make me 80lbs down when I see my Doctor. I want him to see me and say "WOW" you look good. I am really trying to focus on my mid section and getting down. Girl I can not wait until I see a size starting with "1". I probaly will be jumping  up and down all day!!!!

Ms. Exquisite
"Obstacles are what we see when we take our eyes off the goal"  
on 10/26/09 10:41 am - Virginia Beach, VA

Hang in there.  Some days are good ones and some not so good but when you add them up look at how much weight you have lost. 

I have found it is just as hard to clothes shop after losing weight as it was before.  Clothes sizes are just not uniform for women.

on 10/27/09 11:45 pm
Thanks all i do realize with out this surgery i never would have lost as much as I have in such a short time, it can take people over a year to loose what i have in a little over 3 months so i am just gonna keep on trucking. It will start again soon i have upped my protien and such.  I know i need to do more excercise to and i dont' seem to have time to fit it in and no money for a gym so gonna have to figure it out somehow!  I need to start collecting all the hair i am loosing and make my self a wig LMAO!
Consult weight 329
surgery weight 318
current weight 177
goal 165

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