huge confession

on 10/8/09 8:07 am
 I have a huge confession to make. I'm hoping it helps me get back on track!  I have not had a protein shake for 9 days! (which means i have not been meeting my protein goal)  On monday, i not only ate the inside of a mcchicken sandwich for lunch but, I also had icecream that nite!!!  I don't have my appetite back but, my taste buds are back.  I've had a very stressful couple of weeks.(in-laws to visit along with hosting a 40th b-day party for 60 people, then putting my 12 year old lab to sleep monday nite.  I know this is no excuse for my bad behavior.  I also know i didn't go through major surgery to fail.  I just wanted to be accountable to someone for this and you guys are it!!!!  Protein shake and tracking my intake on starts tonite!!!  Thanks for listening!!!
on 10/8/09 12:35 pm - TX

We are human, so naturally, we're going to revert to old behavior patterns in times of stress.  The important thing is you recognized WHY it happened, admitted it to yourself and everyone else and have a plan to get back on track.  

I have been terrible about taking my vitamins this week and it's nothing but laziness on my part.  When I get them ready the night before I take them throughout the day.  If I don't, I'm too busy in the morning and I overlook them.   It's my biggest challenge right now. 

Recognizing our shortcomings and admitting to them is a step in the right direction.  We can do this!



on 10/8/09 1:23 pm
Girl! I am with you! I was beating my self up yesterday because I ate 1/4 of a mickey mouse shaped pretzel at Disneyland and I ate bread from our favorite italian resturant for dinner.  It was what I wanted, so I ate it.  I only had one piece and I did come home and eat a protien packed meal, but I have still been eating more carbs that I would like.  On the other hand, we have to learn how to eat in everyday life.  I can't beat myself up for eating some bread.  As long as I am getting my protein and water and vitamins, then I am going to be fine.  That said, after getting in enough protein there usually isn't enough room for too many carbs, so that's good.  I just don't want to live my life chained to my calorie counter or my food scale.  But it seems like the people who are really successful at this do live like that.  I guess I just have to find the place that I am comfortable with.  Like when I am at home and work, I plan and weigh all of my food. But I give myself some grace when I go out.  I am not taking a measuring cup to a resturant!!! I'll figure it out! I'm down 62 lbs so I must be doing something right!

on 10/9/09 3:07 am
You know, I rarely drink protein shakes, but I did find a drink by Bolthouse Farms that I can take a few sips of.  The doctor told me this week no liquid calories and really to try to get my protein from food.  GOODNESS that is so difficult.  I will admit that I will eat a chip every now and then, or steal a fry from my kid's happy meal.  Sometimes I feel SO guilty about it, but usually I get so sick later on that I find myself thinking about that consequence before I put something in my mouth.  This is not an easy journey, but with support and dedication I KNOW we will all be just fine. 

Oh and I'm still an emotional eater (another admission).  When I get stressed or sad I immediately think of FOOD! Well, with time and practice hopefully that will change.  At least I realize that is what I am doing and can divert my thoughts to something else and not eat.
on 10/9/09 3:33 am - Bradford, PA
Hi neighbor Amy.  I met your Dr.  Nice man.  I had Dr. Ali as my surgeon and he's a great guy too.  We were probably in the hospital at the very same time  :-)

Sorry to hear you're struggling and sorry to hear about your dog  :(   It's these types of times which will be a struggle for all of us I suspect.  Don't beat yourself up too badly, just get on track.

Do you keep a food log of what you've been eating?  Have you been eating regular protein in general?  A little bit is better than none at all.  In the beginning, I snacked on the cheese sticks (right from the fridge, non-fried of course).  I have found ways of making my protein shakes a bit more palatable than if you just mix them with water or just milk.  They're actually quite pleasant.  There are a ton of protein shake recipes for WLS patients all through these pages as well as on eggface's blog.  I've got so many darn recipes printed out!!  :-)   You just have to focus on making that a main priority each and every day when you wake up.  The protein that worked best for me personally was the cappucino by Nectar.  I would mix it up with milk, then throw in a tsp of decaf coffee (instant) into it and fill the 20oz container with water.  Mind you, go get some samples before you buy a big jug of it, because not everyone likes the same kind.  I've also been able to tolerate the Caribbean Cooler, but the cappucino works best for me, because I get to enjoy the coffee flavor (less the caffeine :( of course) and it goes down nicely for me.

I don't believe our appetite is supposed to come back this soon anyway, especially because our pouch tells us very quickly that we're already full and to stop.  Hopefully, our appetites will NEVER come back to what they used to be.

Hang in there and keep coming back and reading what others are posting. If nothing else, you might get some great ideas and recipes.


I started WL journey on Jan 14, 2009 starting weight @ 342 
Surgery date was July 22, 2009 and started @ 310 and and my goal weight
is 150.00.                   
on 10/9/09 10:42 am
Luanne- and everyone! -
I'm sure we were in the hospital at the same time. I was there for 4 days.  We probably passed each other in the halls walking!  Thanks so much for the advice.  Last nite after i wrote this post I went to and ordered some protien shake samples.  I know one of them was a coffee flavored one.  I think i was getting tired of the same old one every day (isopure vanilla with gnc powdered vitamins)  Thanks to everyone for your advice and support.  Today i have been right on track with my daily plate and got all my protein in.  I even walked my choc. lab twice as far tonite - in the rain.  thanks again!!! I think just having a place to put out my shortcommings  has helped me get back on track.
on 10/9/09 11:59 am - Bradford, PA
lol - we probably did  - 6th floor South - I had my surgery @ 8am on the 22nd (Wedneday) and never left till Sunday (blood platelets weren't great).  My favorite nurse was Kim.  She was awesome.  Glad to hear you're doing much better.

I started WL journey on Jan 14, 2009 starting weight @ 342 
Surgery date was July 22, 2009 and started @ 310 and and my goal weight
is 150.00.                   
(deactivated member)
on 10/9/09 4:36 am
Amy, I know how you feel.  My tummy gets hungry and it drives me crazy!  I want no appetite.  Be strong!  We are here for you!
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