Former - LAZY GAL!

on 9/30/09 3:48 am
Hi Friends,

I just had to write to say... I'm sooo glad I decided to go the RNY route!  Everything has been good thus far.  Sure there are stalls.... sure, there was a 1 pound gain,  sure there was a LOSS, sure there was mental struggles.  But you know what I've noticed which is sooo unbelieable?  I am no longer a lazy gal! I no longer circle parking lots looking for the closest parking space!  I pull in and park in the stall furthest from the store!  I walk to the grocery store if I need a few things for dinner that day.  My car is no longer a junky mess.  My home is cleaner than it ever has been.  EVER.  (not that I lived in a pig sty)

I feel like for the most part... having this surgery has been pretty easy.  Now that September is coming to a close... I feel like the challenge is now on - with the holidays fast approaching!  Halloween and Christmas are my favorite holidays...both are filled with CANDY, MUFFINS, COOKIES and PIES!

I'm not the most strictest of post oper's when it comes to food.  I don't deprive myself at all... I have had a bag of Lays chips, I do eat pretzels like crazy, I do love baked potatoes.  I do plan to have a piece of cake, a piece a candy during the holidays.  The best part is this year... I will only have a piece and NOT THE WHOLE DAM THING!

I love my RNY!
AT GOAL in 336 days...!
SW / CW / GW
299 /174.5/ 175
6' tall - size 10


on 9/30/09 4:03 am - Long Beach, CA
I hear ya girl :) I'm not strict either and I'm SO happy for it. I have enough stress in  my life without having to worry about my food more than getting enough healthy protein. I'm still dropping the pounds like nobody's business! I don't ever worry about the little gains or whatever though, that could just mean you have to go to the bathroom. I swear I lost like 2 lbs yesterday by just spending some quality time with my toilet, lol. ;) Unlike you though I really ought to get off my butt more. I've got a lot of schoolwork these days so I'm often just sitting on my ass reading for classes, ugh! Oh well, I expect this weekend and the next couple I'll be doing a looot of walking.
SW:230 CW:159 GW:135

on 9/30/09 7:45 am
LOL @ "lost like 2 pounds on the toilet" !!!!!  It's crazy to say out loud - but I have weighed myself before and after a BM just to see - and sure enough... there was a loss!  LOL LOL LOL.   I missed you at coffee last week...everyone said I missed a good time! 

Soooo glad to hear your doing well Ms. Crystal!

See you in October....

AT GOAL in 336 days...!
SW / CW / GW
299 /174.5/ 175
6' tall - size 10


on 9/30/09 7:12 pm - Long Beach, CA
Yeah I was sad not to see you there! We had a nice lunch afterwards at marie calendars too ... the muffins were to DIE for, though I took most of them home as leftovers for my boyfriend, lol. I still have meat to eat fromt hat... hmmm.. maybe lunch tomorrow...
The toilet thing is funny but so true! I ate a whole bowl of grapes once and gained a pound just from that. Don't ever sweat a pound or two. As long as it's gradually tapering down you're in the good! It's natural and healthy to fluctuate.
SW:230 CW:159 GW:135

on 9/30/09 12:05 pm - Winslow, AZ
I am with you both.  I don't deny myself anything.  I am still losing and I try to make my protien goal everyday but I don't beat myself up over little things!!  I have 4 kids and there are bigger worries raising them than wether or not I had too many skittles.  I didn't eat the whole bag or even half of the bag so that's good enough for me!!! 

The holidays are a little scary but I know my pouch and it won't let me have a bit more than it's willing to hold.  So yes little pieces for me not the whole thing either!!!

I LOVE my RNY too!!!


on 10/1/09 5:41 am

That is sooo true... about "bigger worries" than food.  Life is already changing for me in a positive way... so I would much rather enjoy the happy times!!

I love your new avie by the way!

AT GOAL in 336 days...!
SW / CW / GW
299 /174.5/ 175
6' tall - size 10


on 9/30/09 1:04 pm - Lakewood, CA
RNY on 07/14/09 with
I have to admit - I LOVE MY RNY.  I agree with the stalls and the weight gain.  I had no weight loss in a week, however if I took my measurements, I am sure there is a loss in inches.

I do not deny myself or my family anything.   Portion control is what is working for me.  I manage to get my protein intake with food and very seldom do I need to supplement with Isopure.  This I really enjoy because Isopure can make my mouth very dry.  I do on occasion crave a soda, so I will just take a small sip or 2 of hubby's.  I have had chips, cookies, even had some cheese popcorn the other night.  I was afraid of the popcorn at first but I had no problem, this was a big problem for me before surgery and now I don't even have the craving.  I do however buy beef jerkey and eat plenty of that.  I need to get myself a slicer and a de-humidifer so I can make my own, it would be sooooooo much cheaper (YA THINK).  This week on our menu we have had:  Pork Ribs, Turkey Meatloaf, Spaghetti, and tonight Beef Fajitas.  I still have no hunger pains but east because I know I need to.  I have yet to have chinese food and we are going for chinese on Friday as my daughther wants to go to Panda Inn in LB for her birthday.  I need to look them up online to see if they have a menu posted so I know ahead of time what I can eat.

I do go walking every other night as I am getting ready to walk the 5k in LB and Brani will be there with me and several other OH'ers.  My son will be running the 1/2 marathon.  I never thought I would ever do this, yet alone post it for everyone to see.  The energy level is much higher, I no longer sweat like I used to, and arthritis pains seem to have disappeard along with my diabetic med being cut in half right now.  Hoping to be taken off of it eventually along with some other stuff.

I was just wondering the same thing about the holidays recently.  What am I going to make, what am I going to eat.  You see, I usually cook a 22 lb. turkey for a family of 4 with all the trimmings.  I said to them "I need to find maybe a 8 lb. turkey" because we really love the left overs for sandwiches.  Maybe this year I will even make turkey enchiladas. yum yum

During Christmas we do alot of baking as we give plates of goodies to co-workers and neighbors as gifts.  I usually make tamales as well.  I was just sitting outside thinking about this and maybe instead of making 15 doz. like I normally do, I will just make a few dozen, cuts down on the work load big time.  For New Years I always make Menudo (yum, yum) not sure if I will be able to eat it, but there are enough people in my house that will.  Well, since I won't be spending as much $$ on food this year, maybe I can use the extra to buy me a Christmas present for myself (ha ha).


See you next weekend Brandi at the walk...


         HW: 324 -  First Consult: 304 - Surgery Date: 293 - Current: 207 - Goal:  165
(deactivated member)
on 9/30/09 10:47 pm
Annette, I want tamales!!!!!!
on 10/1/09 5:33 am - Lakewood, CA
RNY on 07/14/09 with
I keep waiting to see you on Big Medicine.

I love Dr. Garth, I think he is fabulous.  Don't think much of the Psyc. but she is a needed asset to the WLS program.

I'll keep you posted on the tamale debate... HA HA

Love your new Avatar by the way, you look AWSOME!!!!  Keep it up girl.


         HW: 324 -  First Consult: 304 - Surgery Date: 293 - Current: 207 - Goal:  165
(deactivated member)
on 10/1/09 6:32 am

Big Medicine is all repeats.  They don't make the show anymore.  But I did get an email a few months ago that they were going to be on the daytime show, The Doctors.  I don't know when though.

I don't think I could have put my journey on TV.  A little shy and a lot embarassed.

If you want to meet people that have been on the show, you should go over to the Texas Message Board.  There are quite a few over there.

I love Dr. Garth and I love tamales, lol.  I think he would have a coronary if he saw me putting his name in the same sentence as tamales.

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