Calm down, stop worrying, and be happy, grateful people!

on 9/18/09 1:22 pm - Long Beach, CA
I try to check this board every so often to see how my fellow Julyers are doing and every time I am really struck and disheartened to see so many posts along the lines of:

I'm stalling! Oh no! This sucks!
I'veonly lost 30 lbs in X amount of weeks, is this normal?
I haven't lost anything in a week!
I'm getting in 800 calories, am I eating too much?
I gained 2 pounds since yesterday! Help! What did I do?

I never read these posts. They're downers and they comeoff to me as whiney and ungrateful. You've been given a gift and it's working. You never could have lost as much as you have in this time without surgery, and the fact that you have is fabulous! Rock on! You haven't lost in 2 weeks... so what? It will come back eventually, why stress out about it? As long as you're doing what your doctor and NUT say, you'll be fine. We're NOT 6 months out guys! We're still in the awesome can't do anything wrong stage of WLS. Let nature take its course and stop being bummed that it's not working at the speed of light, be happy that it's working in your favor at all. :) It didn't use to!

I'm glad to give support as much as the next person, but I'd rather be supporting people with real health issues. We all have week long stalls and small gains and such. It's completely normal and it's NOT a bad thing really. It's natural .... and sorry, but I'm not sympathetic to you. The same thing's happening to me and I've accepted it. I look at the scale daily, yeah, but I don't worry about the number or take into account how long since I last lost. I just keep my mental record up to date and update my ticker when necessary. 

Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way, but in any case I just wanted to get it out there Julyers. Stop worrying and be happy people! Make your poor pouches proud, and congratulate them on a job well done :) I'll start.

Thank you pouch! Thanks to you I'm starting to fit into size 16 jeans again and I've lost 32 lbs. Woohoo! I couldn't have done it without you buddy! You make me feel full so much sooner. I never would have thought a whole cheeseburger was huge if I didn't have that full feeling after eating just half the patty!
SW:230 CW:159 GW:135

on 9/18/09 1:59 pm - WI
I had my surgery on July 28th I have many stalls on the way. I am 34 lbs since my surgery and 50 lbs presurgery so that is total of 84 lbs since Jan 2009. I know how frustrated it is. When I saw a half a pound gain today I was oh no here we go again. But good reason it is that time of the month. We just got to work thru the plateaus. I am thankful for diabetes, blood pressure, cholestrol all in remission. I am off the meds and feels great! I am thankful for the 84 lbs. I hope to get past the plateaus and hopefuly by christmas be under 200's. I start in Jan at 317.5 and now weigh 233.5 so I am getting there slowly.
Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
on 9/18/09 2:00 pm - WI
I was told 1000 calories at this stage now. Been on general diet since the end of August. So working on getting in 1000 calories a day! 
Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
(deactivated member)
on 9/18/09 10:37 pm - Glenside, PA
Not for nothing but you sound so judgemental.  Maybe you should read those posts; they are often filled with encouragements and useful information.  Not everyone is on track all the time and sometimes people need encouragement and need to know they are not lone.  Those posts are a way of sharing our common experiences and we all need that connection.

On the other topic....

I love my RNY.  I love that I can bend down and tie my sneakers, cross my legs, walk without bursting into a sweat or feeling like I want to die, eat a small amount and be full, etc...
on 9/19/09 11:05 am
A lot of us are regular people who come to the July site everyday and if we cannot vent here then what is the point of the site we all have our days where were frustrated and need to vent and this is the place to do it.  As the above poster said to in the end of most of those post we usually say well we will just keep on trucking and thanks for listening and realize that things like stalls and such happpen.  This page is for encouragement and no offense to you but we don't need lurkers who don't participate but once a month or so. You have no room to be critical of others.    I dont' know any of us that regret our decision nor any of us who know all the answers.
I am sure all of us are greatful for every pound we loose i know i am but i have questions to. I don't really care if your not sympathetic and this site isn't for only health issues and that is great if you want to help people  but here is an idea don't put  others down because they ask questions they want to. If your so much better than us and know it all then i guess your very well off then but i will ask what i want when i want and i am greatful for every pound i loose because i have tried it all and now i have the right tool and I intend to use it to the best of my ability to get and stay healthy!  So thanks to my RNY and no thanks to others who are so critcal of people!
I am proud of my 62lbs gone!
Consult weight 329
surgery weight 318
current weight 177
goal 165

on 9/19/09 4:20 pm, edited 9/19/09 4:21 pm - Orlando, FL
I think Bryden summed it up nicely. This is one of the reason why when I am feeling discouraged and down because of slow weight loss, I lurk verses post on my feelings. I just do not want anyone to think I am whining or ungrateful. I just thought this is a place where I can share feelings and need uplifting and motivation. I am truly blessed and thankful for my surgery and my new pouch. But I do wish I was better prepared on how to handle plateaus and feelings. I hope I did not offend anyone and I will try to remain postive going forward.
Ms. Exquisite
"Obstacles are what we see when we take our eyes off the goal"  
(deactivated member)
on 9/20/09 8:47 am
Sabrenia, I don't want you ever to feel that you cannot post here!  I will never think that you are whining or ungrateful.   I want to hear your thoughts and feelings.   There might be another person lurking that is feeling the same thing and needs some support but is also afraid to post. 
You don't have to be positive all the time because we are not like that in reality.  We all have times when we are low and at those times we like to talk to friends for support.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with this and I don't want you feeling that you are offending anyone if you are a bit down.

I love to read about everyone's travel on this journey - ups and downs. 
on 9/19/09 9:09 pm - Long Beach, CA
My point is that we're not having plateaus or even gains or whatever these complaints are about, and we shouldn't be worrying about them yet. We had surgery in July... 2-3 months out at this point. On the other boards when you're 4 or 6 months out and you've gone a month without losing a thing, that's when you need some help breaking a plateau, not 6 weeks out with a week of no weight loss. That's just normal. It's working! Be grateful, not critical. We are ALL going through the same small lulls. and they're just part of the process. If you lost a pound a day for your entire weight loss journey you would have something very wrong going on, but nobody would complain I bet of course, but when theings go the way they're supposed to everyone freaks out and starts calling it a plateau or saying maybe they shouldn't have had that one oreo cookie....because they think it made them gain a half pound. I'm sorry but it's a bit insane to freak out over one oreo cookie and a half a pound gain. So my point is stop worrying. You've seen enough posts to understand it's a normal thing everyone is going through and therefore it should not upset you when it happens to you too. But maybe I'm just too logical about this, if it's really necessary to you then do it. Really. I'll start reading them again next month when they might be about real issues with weight loss and diet instead of imaginary ones. I'm just trying to put mypoint of view out there so maybe some of you will understand the silliness of it all.
SW:230 CW:159 GW:135

on 9/20/09 2:08 am
I understand what you are saying.  In the grand scheme of life the small stalls and emotional feelings about oreos are trivial but right now, at this point in the journey they are very important to alot of us.  It is nice to come to a place where people are going through the same things and can offer support, even if it really isn't that important. But for most of us, at the time it is important.  I know for myself I didn't get to be 334 pounds by having normal emotional reactions when it comes to food/weight.  So it makes sense that feeling guilty about eating something not on the plan or a week without any weightloss would cause an emotional reaction regardless of how irrational it was.  I think your intentions were good to help us all put this journey into perspective and to remind us that we have a lot to be thankful for.  But at the same time, this board is for us to express our feelings/struggles/triumphs and we should all be allowed to do that without being told that we are silly.  That really doesn't help anyone. 

on 9/20/09 3:32 am - Long Beach, CA
Why not be told you're silly? I do think it helps people to have things put in perspective. I understand what you're saying but it's always good to hear the other side. I'm handling it, many of you aren't and this is why I'm handling the same things many are complaining about right now.It is allowed to express your feelings, triumphs, etc without being told you're silly of course. That's why I never posted on anyone elses post and made my own to address this issue. I'm not going to try to stop anyone from posting whatever they feel they need to, really. I'm just putting my perspective out there. This is my effort to help every one of those people who has had those problems, and trust me I'm not targetting anyone here. Like i said, I don't really read them anymore and I couldn't and won't think ill of anyone who's posted one, nor can I even think of a specific poster, so please don't feel targeted at all.

I guess I should clarify here. You're right some people aren't going to be as rational about it as me and they aren't whining about it. But it gets me down because they're struggling with something I feel they shouldn't even be struggling with at this point. and I also feel we all feed each other's worries. One person thinks it's a worry to gain a half pound then the next person that gains a half pound freaks, and the next, and so on until our whole community is being upset by the normalities of their WLS journey. So it gets to me, because normal people know normal weight loss routines, and normal weight loss routines don't result in a loss every single week forever no matter how strictly we follow them. We all know that, but because of complaints of stalls and imaginary plateaus and such so early on, I thik we expect way more from our tool than is fair to expect, and so we set ourselves up to feel miserable when it doesn't meet the expectations, instead of being happy that it's working better than any diet we've tried, we are unhappy it's not working as well as that one girl we heard about who lost her first 40 in her first month. TRY to take a positive outlook, and TRY to realize when something is happening to you is perfectly normal and that it will pass just like anything else and you'll be a happier person for it. If we hold ourselves to the standards of any prevous diets we've tried we're doing an incredibly awesome job and we should all be very proud of ourselves and happy.
SW:230 CW:159 GW:135

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