why am i stuck?!

on 9/20/09 11:56 am - TX
Very exciting!  I've been teetering back and forth between 202-201 for the past week.       
on 9/22/09 8:23 am, edited 9/22/09 8:25 am
OOH Girlie I feel yah...but i think if you check the OH website there is some information on stalls.. VERY GOOD.. anyways is states that you are not considered in a stall if you lose inches.. or don't  drop weight over a month  period of time.. so I thing you are still losing.. it just inches.. and since you have less left to lose.. it may just start coming off a little slower.. If the surgery wasn't working you wouldn't have dropped a large amount of weight.. You are doing fantastic... I was at the same thought process last month for about two weeks.. It can be so frustrating.. makes you feel  frustrated..  I did have the same problem with my appetite, if you take a multi -vitamin a day try mid morning.. my doctor told me this.. it seems to pick up your appetite.. but if it continues I would see your DOC... I'm only a PRN but it sounds like you could have a stricture.. what can be easily fixed..

You are in my thoughts & prayers
"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."   
on 9/26/09 5:16 am

I think there are quite a few of us in the same boat.  My surgery was July 27 and I'm down 35 lbs now but went through a 2 wk stall.  I found that part of the problem was I wasn't getting enough fluids and protein.  I was told to take 64 oz of fluids/day so if you think 48 is bad try 64!  Anyway I concentrated on that and getting at least 60 g of protein/day and the weight started to finally move again.  If those 2 things you are skimping on, don't because they are key to the weight coming off.  I'm disappointed that it is coming off so slowly 2-3 lbs/wk but at least they are coming off!  I really thought the honeymoon part would last a little longer.  My personal goal is to loose 10 lbs/mo and so far so good but I know things may not stay that way.  Just stay focused, concentrate on fluids and protein, and keep a journal of what you eat.  I plot calories, protein, carbs, and fat each day as instructed by my doctor and it really does help.  It really will happen if we stay focused.  Good luck!  Dani

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