Gena L.
on 9/13/09 9:49 am, edited 9/13/09 9:50 am - Canal Winchester, OH

Hi Fellow July-ers!!

I find myself very depressed and worried tonight!!  Could I have done some damage to my pouch??  I think I am doing everything right...but then why am I GAINING WEIGHT????

I am eating approx 800 - 850 calories per day consisting mostly of fish, veggies, lowfat deli meats, sugar free puddings and of course watching the bad carbs.  I am going to the gym faithfully 6 days a week....walking 2 miles on the treadmill, spending a little time also on the elliptical and arm exercises with small weights every other day!!

I was stuck at 307 for almost 2 weeks...stepped on the scale 2 mornings ago and it showed 305.  I thought...GREAT...I'm getting back on track!!  And then this morning...309!!!  I almost sunk to the floor in the middle of my bathroom.  I've lost approx. 40 lbs total, and when I saw that 4 lb weight gain, I simply felt VERY DEFEATED AND VERY SAD!!   That is 10% of my weight loss...right back on!  How do I stop this madness???

Have I somehow 'broke' my pouch?  Is this surgery truly going to work for me?  What am I doing wrong?

I am usually  the 'fat' happy girl always with an upbeat cheerful spirit, but I really find myself getting quite sad lately.  This surgery was such a big ordeal (no walk in the park), I just wanna believe that it was worth it?

Anyone else going through this?  I appreciate your feedback!

on 9/13/09 10:07 am
I don't think the pouch is broken..
You know by us being women... we can hormone changes that can effect ... our weight gain.. weight loss... and increase our water weight gain during a course of the month.. If it was broke you wouldn't have loss 40 lbs.. the scenario you are talking about happen to me last month.. but unlike men our bodies are very delicate.. and changes at reason.. also remember if you work out.. you have to eat a little more calories or you Will give your body a minus in calories and protein intake... which in the end won't benefit the hard work you are putting in..but remember do not let the SCALE FOOL YOU... when the scale reflects one thing... YOU may still be losing inches..the scale does determine the only source that will show that your hard work and determination is paying off.. OKAY? JUST try to increase your calorie intake if you are working out... every DOC.. is different but mine told me to eat 1200 calories a day a stage of solids.. I usually eat 850 to 900... but when I go work out I eat around 1200.

"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."   
on 9/13/09 10:42 am
Don't get bummed out! I was up a few pounds one day last week then all of the sudden I was down 5lbs. Keep watching what you eat and moving- you will win this war!
on 9/13/09 10:43 am - TX

Put your scale away!   You are doing fine.    Your body weight can fluctuate 5 pounds on any given day for a number of reasons.  Don't panic!   Keep doing what you are doing.  

I try not to focus on my scale.  In fact, today was the first time I've been on it in five days-- yes, five days.   Try not to be so hard on yourself.  You will get there.


(deactivated member)
on 9/13/09 12:05 pm - Glenside, PA
Regena - you are doing just fine!  Keep up all the positive, healthy things you are doing for yourself and your body.  The weight will start to come off again.  This is just a little bump in the road and you will sail right over it.
on 9/14/09 9:10 am - Orlando, FL
Regena this happen to me and I was retaining water and in a stall. It will break just keep doing what you doing but you have to increased your calories due to the exercising. Also increase your water so you can keep flushing the system. I am currently at 308 but I do go up and down. I just want to be under 300lbs that I think the scale is playing tricks on me. We are soooooo close and we will make it in twoterville soon. Lets take this ride one day at a time!!!
Ms. Exquisite
"Obstacles are what we see when we take our eyes off the goal"  
(deactivated member)
on 9/14/09 12:45 pm
I think you are doing great and your pouch is just fine.  But my goodness, it can be so frustrating!!! 

I think a lot of us have been the happy fat girl throughout our lives.  I know I was one.  I wanna be a happy not as fat girl now!
on 9/15/09 12:58 pm
Girl...I can only imagine how that messed up your day.  I get depressed if the scale doesn't move in a couple days and I had a day when I was up a pound I about lost my ****  Speaking of poo...maybe you are backed up?  That can make a difference too.  I wouldn't worry about it unless you keep gaining and then maybe tell your doctor.  Maybe you are retaining a bunch of water or something funky is going on.  I'm sure it's fine and you'll be down again in a day or two.  Good luck and congrats on the 40 lbs!

on 9/19/09 9:25 am - AL
 Its okay girl..you are doing wonderful.  I do the same thing right before I start my period...or if I havent drank my 64 oz of water a day or so before (causes fluid retention which makes you gain a few pounds).  Also, since you are working out, it may be muscle weight gain??  Make sure yo eat enough calories if you're working out.  

Hang in there girl..you'll get there.  Your pouch isnt broken silly :)

Highest Weight: 310
Pre-Surgery Weight: 262

on 9/21/09 2:40 am - WI
I was told to eat 1000 calories a days. If you don't eat enough calories your body goes into starvation mode. I had my rny on July 28th. I have many stalls after my surgery. I eat between 1000 to 1100 a day. Some days my protein is over 100 gms a day.

Are you logging in a journal every bite you are eating? 

Hang in there you will get there. I get frustrated alot myself with all the stalls.

Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:
www.facebook.com/robinfrommilwaukee  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
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