Are people asking questions?

(deactivated member)
on 9/5/09 10:20 pm
I'm not keeping my surgery a secret.  It's the old Catholic school girl in me.  I feel I'm not truthful if I don't tell people.  That's just me, I'm not saying anything about anyone else.  It's a personal decision.

Well, I now have had 3 people come talk to me about the surgery and how everything went.  I'm happy to tell them about my experience because I feel that it's the best thing I ever did.  Of course, I tell them that I can't tell them what to do because, again, it's a personal decision.  But I told them that I highly recommend my surgeon and the hospital. 

It just feels weird that I'm sort of a role model for some people.  For so long, I feel that I've been the role model on how NOT to do something, but now I've done something right!  I'm proud of myself!  I've been ashamed and embarrassed for too long.  It's time to start living.

Congratulations to everyone for making the best decision for you!  You are tremendous!!!
(deactivated member)
on 9/5/09 10:42 pm - Glenside, PA
Yes, I tell anyone who asks how I lost my weight.  I just have a hard time not being truthful.  I figure if anyone wants to talk to me they can. 
(deactivated member)
on 9/6/09 1:49 am - Richardson, TX
That's awesome to be in a position where you can help/advise others.  I bet it feels amazing! 

I have not kept the fact that I'm trying to have surgery a secret.  Part of me is so excited that I just can't help but talk about it.  With that said, I have not told too many people but of those I have told all of them have known someone who has undergone WLS.  A friend, co-worker, family member, etc. 

It's like a little underground community.  ; ) 

on 9/6/09 2:43 am
That's awesome! It was a great decision that we have made to change the course of our lives and make a conscious effot to put to rest the issues that got us to obesity to begin with.  Keep up the good work!

on 9/6/09 4:04 am - Capital Region, NY
Hi! I know exactly what you mean about being the role model NOT to follow... well my friend, we have turned that page and off to a fresh start!

Yes - I tell most people if they ask what I'm doing. If they just say "are you losing weight?" I may say - "YES- thanks!"

A group of my friends were standing around and discussing their weight losses and saying what they had done to achieve their success and among them was one friend that hadn't heard about my surgery.

So I just came right out and said..."AND... I had surgery!"

Well- she said that was great. she said you've battled your weight as long as I can remember. Good for you!

It is so nice to hear positive comments about recognizing the battle its been. Believe me this girl knows... Her parents granted me open access to their inground pool so I could swim laps... I was there every other day to swim a mile... the other days I'd walk 5 miles. I lost weight.
but that was a loooong time ago... nice to know she remembers my efforts.... that I'm not a lazy bum!

that's why this site is so great... we've all been there to one extent or another and KNOW what issues we've faced and continue to face.

congratulations on your continued success!


(deactivated member)
on 9/6/09 4:18 am
Where have you been, Miss Judy?  I've missed you!
on 9/6/09 11:38 pm - Capital Region, NY
um well.. I've been on other boards... to tell you the truth... I thought the July board was for JULY. silly me...

I've been on the main board, lightweights, and Yvonne's board which I believe you just recently joined.

but now that i've been set straight I'll be back to my friends on the July board!
(deactivated member)
on 9/7/09 2:49 am
Can you tell me how to get to Yvonne's board.  I don't think I've joined it yet, but I would love to check it out!
on 9/6/09 11:02 am

Hey there...

I wish I could be as open as all of you!  I have hid this whole ordeal from everyone except for my mom, brother & 1 antie.  Not even my best friend knows about it.  It's a terriable feeling to have to hide this...but I'll speak truthfully and admit - I AM ASHAMED FOR HAVING WLS.  Asshamed that I just let myself go and even get to the stage of needing RNY.  I didn't/don't want to be riddiculed for my decision so I kept and still keep quite.  Everyone comments on my weight loss and gives me the hi-fives... do I feel guilty for saying - I've changed my eating habbits and started exercising?  Slightly... but moreso - NO... it's the truth - maybe not the whole truth but certainly not a lie.  I hide behind this advatar for the same reason... heck yes - I am ashamed to admit I had RNY... the mere thought of someone who may know me or a friend of a friend situation sees me on here... I'd be completely embarrassed.   Plus - I don't need the constant hassles of "well how much have you lost thus far" questions being asked of me.... my freakin mother does that just fine and it drives me insane - espeacially when your in a stall!

Great post Dahuggs... so happy to hear such positive outcomes! 

The July board is such a great place... most of the other months don't have as nearly the amount of post we have!!

AT GOAL in 336 days...!
SW / CW / GW
299 /174.5/ 175
6' tall - size 10


on 9/6/09 12:57 pm - Winslow, AZ
I am with the PP.  I tried hiding it but I made the mistake of telling my mom and well now all of AZ probably knows.  If someone asks if I am losing weight I say yes.  If someone asks about the surgery I don't deny it and I do offer advice or phone numbers, etc.  But I am ashamed as well.  I look back on my "before" pics and just wonder how I got there.  How I let myself get there.   I am proud of myself for waking up and seeing that I had a problem and doing all the work to get to this point but I live in a small town and while I see how hard this is to do everyone else sees it as me taking the easy way out and I am not the kind of person to argue and make my point so I just keep quiet and keep my "secret" to myself.


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