Still Stallin'

on 8/31/09 10:17 pm - Whitehouse, TX
Well, it's 2 weeks now and I'm actually up almost 2 pounds!  I know we are all in this together.  Hoping to break through it in the next couple of days ***positive thinking***

Tried more protien, less protein, more calories, less calories, more shakes, less shakes.....just can't trick the body into doing what it doesn't want to do!

I am still thankful!  I have lost in 2 months what it took me almost 5 before!  IT WILL HAPPEN!
on 9/1/09 12:08 am
Booo.... stalls suck!  Hang in there hun.....these things come and go.  They sure do suck ass... my 1st/last stall lasted about 3 weeks which was ubber depressing being so early out!  Keep eating and doing what your supposed to will move again.   That's the best part about this's nearly impossiable not to move again eventually. 

Positive vibes flowing your way!

Hugs lady....
AT GOAL in 336 days...!
SW / CW / GW
299 /174.5/ 175
6' tall - size 10


on 9/1/09 2:30 am - anchorage, AK
I lost a pound last week. But, im pretty sure it was because I was starving to death at the state fair! Im right there with you chicka
on 9/1/09 2:36 am, edited 9/1/09 2:36 am
Oh!!! ***BIG HUG*** I am in the same boat!! I lost one pound last week and then gained it back WTF!!!!! So no weight loss in over a week! I too have been expirmenting and no luck.  I am exactly the same weight, 258.4.  I am so happy to be back in the 250s. Haven't been there is a long time but I want to keep moving down.  We'll get there. At least our bodies are doing the same thing so it has to be normal.  My doctor said weight loss is like a stair case.  It will go down then maintain, go down, maintain, and so on.  It's just annoying!! Hang in there and know that you are not alone!

on 9/1/09 4:19 am - Whitehouse, TX
Thanks!!!!  Hugs are the best!

It is so important that we keep in touch with each other and compare our stories!  It helps to know who is at the same point, a little ahead and a little behind so we can compare and see where we are.  

I am putting too much pressue on myself as well.  I have a corporate meeting in less than 3 weeks and I want to have lost as much as possible. I know it will already be a huge WOW effect since they have not seen me in a year. 

We can do this together!
(deactivated member)
on 9/1/09 6:22 am - Glenside, PA
My stall lasted two weeks.   It fnally ended and I lost 3lbs in two days!  It is really nice to see those numbers going down again. 

I can't remember the last time I weighed 215 but I do remember it was the weight when I realized that I weighed more than my husband.  I can't wait to weigh less than him again!
on 9/1/09 12:43 pm - TX

Hang in there, Julie.  I'm down two pounds then stuck, stuck, stuck, stuck . . .   same routine over and over again. 

The weight is coming off but very s-l-o-w-l-y.   

on 9/2/09 12:18 am - Whitehouse, TX
scales moved this morning, so I'm hopeful...but it also could have been the stool softener!  LOL

I am all of a sudden having issues with hard poo.  Stilling moving every other day, but, well difficult to pass to put it delicately.

I'm also putting my money on losing slower helps my skin keep up, but I know that is wishful thinking.  Arms and legs are looking pretty sad and I joke that my belly button will be close to my knees!  Gotta laugh about it to keep our sanity, right!
on 9/2/09 11:55 pm
I am in a stall also.  It is so depressing.  Hopefully for all of us the scales will start moving soon...  It makes me feel like I have failed...  I know I haven't but when you don't lose you get worried.......  Yes, I would do it again, it is worth it for the 46lbs I've already lost......  Now I feel greedy I want to LOSE more....  LOL.....

on 9/3/09 3:07 am - Whitehouse, TX
Hang in there!  It's part of the process!  Just keep venting here with us and stay plugged into support.  I'm a scale ho (see for the video!), but I often wonder if I wouldn't be better off it I put the scale away!
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